Latest and live tenders published in united arab emirates. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of fumed silica- aerosil/ io-o-sil/hjsil rand, for g.r.p pipe line workmmd-k
supply of sheet teflon 1 mm thick, 1 x 1 m, white for diaphragm
supply of gasket; chtrn; 2000; style; gkt; 1/16x48x481.6mm; teflon
complete assemly of for sea water inlet mov to monitoring asin, maker keystone, size 200a, type fv, model no f.79u-036, ody astm a2 16 wc, disc astm a351 cf8m, stem astm a276 gr316, seat epdm, end connection wafer type, drg no 000-990-000-127, kks:80pa40aa019
supply of lower shaft, part no 2110, materialsus420j2 hcr for hrsg low down pump, make -torishima, model ?mmtv 100 / 4
supply of intermediate shaft, part no 2120, materialsus420j2 for hrsg low down pump, make -torishima, model ?mmtv 100 / 4
supply of upper shaft, part no 2130, materialsus420j2 for hrsg low down pump, make -torishima, model ?mmtv 100 / 4
supply of earing, service potale pump, earing - 6207, spare code4.05.003.014
acrylic or polyurethane ased resin, two components solvent or water orne, air drying paint with micaceous iron oxide and titanium dioxide pigments shade # ral7032 with semi-gloss or gloss and good color retention. as a finishing coat for protection of power tr ansformers/reactors outer surface / structural steel in severely corrosive atmospheric environment. shade / color: ral 7032 / light grey, surface finish: semi-gloss or gloss, theoretical spreading rate/coverage: 10 m2/l - 14.0 m 2/l, solid volume %: 50 to 55 %, fl ash point: approx. 30 degree celsius, density: approx. 1.2 kg/l, touch dry: approx. 2 hours at 20 degree celsius, recoatale after: a pprox. 6-8 hours at 20 degree celsius, application method: airless or conventional spray/rush/rollers, thinner: supplier to give details of thinner to e used, mixing ratio: mixing ratio details to e sumitted along with offer, shelf life: 24 months minimum
zinc rich, two components primer ased on epoxy and polyamide resin. solvent or water orne # air drying paint with red or yellow pigm entation. as a primer coat for protection of power transformers/reactors outer surface / structural steel in severely corrosive atmo spheric environment. color: grey, surface finish: matt, theoretical spreading rate/coverage: 9.0 m2/l - 14.0 m 2/l, solid volume %: 62 to 65 %, flash point: >40 degree celsius, touch dry: approx. 1 hours at 20 degree celsius, recoatale after: approx. 8 hours at 20 degree celsius, application method: airless or conventional spray/rush/rollers, thinner: supplier to give details of thinner to e used, mixing ratio: mixing ratio details to e sumitted along with offer, shelf life: 24 months minimum`