Latest and live tenders published in united arab emirates. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of control unit; auma matic for actuators, make- auma, type # ac1.2, com no -13397289, no # 3117ma78352, phase - 3 ph, 400v, i.p -68, c ontrol - profius dp-v2 for mushrif reservoir complex phase-3, actuator with control unit for 300mm valve electric, make- auma, actuator type: sar7.6, actuator com no: 13123230, control unit typ e- ac01.2, control unit com no: 13123230
supply of torque switch with complete set, model no: 7z1, 6mm, used for electrical actuator, type : a series, model: a5d20delmsh, make : sc h ieel `
supply of positioner current to pneumatici/p model: vp200, suffix: am 11/jf3/g style: s3.01, supply: 1.4 to 4 ar input: 4 to 20 ma amient t emp: 60oc exds iic t6x t1802678 231 make: yokogawa; input 4-20ma dc style;s1.02, supply;2.8kgf/ ex proof;exds ii+h2 s. no;f911 dc 138-537-xjvp200-a5 make;yokogawa, japan;cne/040/95 spr-021 des amended for p.req no.17231 dtd.24.12.02
supply of temp, t/c, weston p/n 01128tc022w, spec rev:w, ref s/n ca124556, ge p/n 362a1102p017 / 362a1102p022, exhaust t/c, k type with studs, used in gtg, temp, trans, laarge inc, 7-21187-24, cale, exhaust thermo couple gtg. ge p/n 361a2327p024. mli 0623
supply of insulation, monolitic ceramic fier pyrolog. temperature grade 1425. pyrolog dimension - 1000 x 600 x 152 mm. density - 160 kg/m3. f or whr transition duct from induct urner mmd k.
supply of valve, lift check valve. olted onnet. size - 1, class - 800. material - a105n, make - lvf, threaded end connection. for nitrog e n purging line k station.
supply of siemens step-7 simatic manager software v5.5 sp4 with unlimited period floating license for 2 user/computer. this simatic manager sh ould e compatile with windows-7 professional service pack-1 uild-7601 64 it operating system, hardware: intel xeon cpu e5-1603 v3 @ 2.8 ghz, 8 g ram. it should e also compatile with wincc felxile 2008 runtime 2048v1.3 and wincc felxile 2008 advance v1.3.note : we require 2 licensescontact: - 04-80-44525
supply of flip chart a1 size, 20 sheet in 1 pad
supply of stainless steel panel lock; n-rack/as/rittal/steinack & vollman make, stainless steel cam lock; key to unlock; n-rack/as/rittal/steinack & vollman make with keys, magnetic contactor; model:himc32; make:hhi; imc32 22ns d110; 3 main contacts; 2 no + 2 nc; 110v dc coil voltage
restoration of ultraviolet resistant gel coating of grp piping inlending plant at #g# station ph-i lock-101.0 scope of workthe idde r shall familiarize himself of the plant and the requirementsefore he sumits his id. he may visit the plant and see the internalstru ctural parts of the plant to evaluate the clear scope, quantum ofwork and the intricacies of the jothe scope of work for restoration of ultraviolet coating of grp pipingwill include ut not limited to:1.1 all the work including supply, moilization of material, ere ctionof scaffolding, access platforms and all other consumales required toexecute the work under this contract is sole responsiility of thecontractor.1.2 thorough washing of external surfaces of the pipes with water toremove loose scales ofdamaged top coating, d ust, dirt, salt depositsand pollutants, etc.1.3 thorough cleaning of surfaces with acetone or other suitalecleaner approved y dewa. 1.4 to apply a high quality transparent isophthalic, uv resistant cleargel coat of polyester / vinyl ester resin on the external su rfaces ofthe pipes, flanges, reducers and other grp fitting within the pipelength.1.5 all uv resistant gel coat to e applied manual ly y hand rush /rollers. spray application to e avoided.1.6 restoration of flow markings on the piping after coating.1.7 if unavoi dale the grating and the stair treads can e removed forgetting access to surface preparation and gel coat the grp piping.efore this is to e done, dewa shall e notified and the area shall earricaded with ropes andreflective tapes. however, contractor shallensure t hat access to entire plant is availale through an alternatepath.1.8 at no time, the entire handrail, grating or all stair treads sh alle removed. contractor shall e responsile for accidents caused due tohis negligence.1.9 all the removed gratings, handrails, plat forms to e restored andinstalled ack after the works.for site visit please contact mr. nosir @ 056-6093676, restoration of ultraviolet resistant gel coating of grp piping inlending plant at #g# station ph-i lock-201.0 scope of workthe idde r shall familiarize himself of the plant and the requirementsefore he sumits his id. he may visit the plant and see the internalstru ctural parts of the plant to evaluate the clear scope, quantum ofwork and theintricacies of the jothe scope of work for restoration of ultraviolet coating of grp pipingwill include ut not limited to:1.1 all the work including supply, moilization of material, ere ctionof scaffolding, access platforms and all other consumales required toexecute the work under this contract is sole responsiility of thecontractor.1.2 thorough washing of external surfaces of the pipes with water toremove loose scales of damaged top coating, d ust, dirt, salt depositsand pollutants, etc.1.3 thorough cleaning of surfaces with acetone or other suitalecleaner approved y dewa. 1.4 to apply a high quality transparent isophthalic, uv resistant cleargel coat of polyester / vinyl ester resin on the external su rfaces ofthe pipes, flanges, reducers andother grp fitting within the pipelength.1.5 all uv resistant gel coat to e applied manual ly y hand rush /rollers. spray application to e avoided.1.6 restoration of flow markings on the piping after coating.1.7 if unavoi dale the grating and the stair treads can e removed forgetting access to surface preparation and gel coat the grp piping.efore this is to e done, dewa shall e notified and the area shall earricaded with ropes and reflective tapes. however, contractor shallensure t hat access to entire plant is availale through an alternatepath.1.8 at no time, the entire handrail, grating or all stair treads sh alle removed. contractor shall e responsile for accidents caused due tohis negligence.1.9 all the removed gratings, handrails, platforms to e restored andinstalled ack after the works