Latest and live tenders published in united arab emirates. Click on any tender to view further details.

1401 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14132704
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

supply of filter, assemly cartridge duplex type, this filter is completely in aisi 316 of the duplex type complete with 6-way valve with flang ed connections of 1 ansi 150 rf, the cartridge always in stainless steel aisi 316, has a filtration degree of 500 micron, for main cooling water pump mechanical seal filter, pump kks : l2-90gdp11ap001, drawing no-fld 00309 make : termomeccanica pompe middle east fze

1402 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14132746
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

supply of technical specification for the flexile oil storage tanks 1. shall e capale of handling hot transformer oil mineral insulating oi l as per iec 60296 up to 100 c during oil filtration process and storage during maintenance of transformers. 2. the storage tank s hall e made of synthetic, oil resistant ruer and with fier reinforcement. 3. shall e of high mechanical strength. 4. shall e suita ly designed for carrying out oil filtration as well as temporary storage of oil for maximum period of 2 months. 5. shall e easily f olded, transported and relocated from site to site. 6. shall e suitale for rough handling. 7. shall e capale to withstand on all s ite operating conditions prevailing in middle east. 8. shall e water / moisture and fire resistant. outer layer shall e uv resistance. 9. shall e provided with 2 nos. dn 50 inlet / outlet valves at opposite ends to carry out oil filtration. 10. inlet / outlet valves should e provided with necessary reducers / adaptors to match with our existing hoses having 1# and 1½# internal sp thread c ouplings. 11. proper arrangement inspection flange with valve shall e provided in the center of the higher face of the tank for i nside inspection, cleaning and repair. 12. suitale arrangement for air release during oil filling and protection against over press ure shall e provided. 13. there shall e closing caps with chains provided for all the valves. 14. each tank shall e supplied in se parate ox / container suitale for handling, lifting and transportation. 15. idder shall clearlyensions of the offered tank:- capacity m3 length and width when empty m height when full m we ight kg 16. detailed drawing of the offered tank and user manual in english language shall e furnished. 17. the supplied item s hall e covered y a warranty for a minimum period of 2 years. 18. accessories to e offered very important: # repair kit # 2 nos. e ach complete with accessories # items required in repair kit: 1. wooden screw 2. suitale glue- 4 nos. 3. solvent 4. arasive pad 5. scissors 6. small knife 7. patches # 4 nos. 8. hand held roller 9. hot air gun 10. repair clamps # ground sheet # 1 no. each 19. o ptional accessories to e offered with clearly mentioned the application. # packing ag # 1 no. each # if any other items required dur ing use and handling of this tank. 20.capacity: as per the requirement. make: pronal elastomer engineering france. alternate mak e & type not acceptale.5000 liters

1403 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14132773
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  10 Sep, 2018

retrofitting and condenser coil replacement in pu-1 @ ora ss equipment # 30346954 ora sustation package unit # 1 manufacturer # carr ier model numer # 50tj-028-933m serial numer # 3508 s 04379 capacity # 25 tr serving area # control room 1.#performance testing of t he retrofitted refrigerant circuits shall e done and check all parameters such as compressor starting and running currents, refriger ant suction and discharge pressures, supply air temperature, lp set point, hp set point etc. compare these values with the values ot ained with r-22 prior to retrofit. if any anormality is oserved, it shall e rectified. 2.#the packaged unit casing shall e affixed w ith a lael in standard a4 size in a visile location indicating #retrofitted unit, new refrigerant: r-407c, month & year of completion: -----------#. the material of the lael shall e preferaly in stainless steel sheet and engraved, fixing method shall e riveted/ screwed or as agreed y the dewa in-charge-engineer. final testing and commissioning of the packaged unit retrofitted with r-407c to e done 3.#after one month from the final testing and commissioning, the retrofitted packaged unit shall e inspected again and perfor mance shall e assessed refer to annexure-3. if the unit is working properly up to the full satisfaction of dewa, the warranty shal l start from this day. contractor shall provide one year warranty for the retrofitted unit. if any anormality oserved after the item no. 14 or during this inspection, necessary corrective works shall e carried out y the contractor up to the satisfaction of dewa.if the unit is unale to start and operate or any anormal conditions persisting such as locked drier filter, clogged expansion valve, poor compressor oil quality, compressor oil leakage, high supply air temperature, leakage of refrigerant, lp tripping, hp tripping, compressor overheating/anormal noise/anormal viration, higher compressor current than that rated etc., contractor is liale to rect ify. 4.#the following signed and stamped documents shall e sumitted y the contractor upon completion of the works along with po copy : a#delivery note for all the newly supplied materials #jo completion report c#test report of packaged unit prior to start the retrofit d#testing and commissioning report after retrofitting e#final inspection report as mentioned in clause16 aove f#w arranty certificate for minimum one year period for the retrofitted unit. condenser coil and coating warranty of minimum 7years. g #data sheets/msds for new compressor oil and r-407c used and the quantity used in each refrigerant circuit. h#technical data sheet for all newly supplied items including condenser coil-fin assemly, lower earing and pulley. notes:- 1.#interested parties to visit the site on 04/09/2018 to assess entire scope of works to e carried out prior to quote and then quote for lump sum accordingly. no c hange in quoted price acceptale thereafter. contact details for arranging the site visit are: mr. suresh, asst. engineer tel. 04-3 221471/ mo: 050-4611816 or #mr. thomas, engineer tel. 04-3221470/ mo. no: 055-9147894or 5.#inspect the components in the refrigerant circuits such as compressors, expansion valves, drier filters, sight glasses, lp and hp switches etc. in oth refrigeran t circuits of the existing packaged units. check whether these components are compatile or not to operate with new ozone friendly re frigerant r-407c ased on name plate data, unit and component manufacturer catalogues/o & m manuals /recommendations. 6.#list of components to e replaced as part of retrofit for each refrigerant circuit of packaged units shall e notified y the contractor to the concerned maintenance in-charge-electromechanical engineer/ supervisor of dewa-tcm department and get his approval prior to proc eed with retrofit. it is contractor#s sole responsiility to ensure that the packagedunit will operate smoothly after the retrofitti ng works. 7.#replace old condenser coil - fin assemly with new condenser coil-fin assemly and the new coils shall e compatile to ope rate with new refrigerant r407c. no of rows, fins per inch, coil lock thickness, coil thickness etc. shall e suitale to achieve the same cooling capacity of the existing unit. condenser coil fins shall e coated with special anti-corrosive protection. warranty of minimum 7 years shall e provided for the coil and coating. 8.#contractor shall e responsile for disconnecting the old condenser coil s from the aove mentioned package unit, shifting from roof of sustations to ground, transportation and disposal at dewa central scra p yard. 9.#refrigerant r-22 shall ecompletely flushed out from the refrigerant circuit as part of retrofitting. r-22 and old compre ssor oil deposits/traces shall e completely removed from the circuits including evaporator and condenser coils. 10.#recover/reclaim refrigerant r-22 from package units using recovery machine and the gas shall not e discharged to atmosphere. evidence supporting do cument of refrigerant r22 recovery and recycling or disposal as per dm practice green certificate shall e provided y the contract or. 11.#if existing compressors are found compatile to operate with r-407c, the suction and discharge ends shall e disconnected from the copper piping. then flush out old compressor oil mineral oil completely. new compressor oil poe of required quantity compatile to operate with r407c shall e charged to the compressor. it is preferrale to use the compressor oil as recommended y the compres sor manufacturer for r-407c. permanent adhesive lael showing #refrofitted# with new oil details #oil name: ------/grade: ------/mak e: ------/type: ------ and quantity: ---- # shall e affixed on compressor ody. 12.#if the existing compressor in each refrigerant c ircuit inside the packaged unit is not compatile to use with new refrigerant r-407c, it shall e dismantled and replaced with r-407c compatile new compressor pre-charged with required amount of poe compressor oil. 13.#all required razing operations, evacuation, lea kage/pressure testing and refrigerant r-407c charging shall e done properly y the contractor under careful supervision. 14.#the thermostatic expansion valve ul shall e checked for its proper fixing and tightness at compressor suction line. degree of superheat shal l e adjusted for r-407c ased on expansion valve opening. 15.#lp and hp switch settings shall e checked for r-407c operation. adjustm ents or replacements, if any required, shall e done to ensure smooth and safe operation of the compressors. 16.#all components not c ompatile to operate with new refrigerant r407c shall e removed from the units and not to e used in the units eing retrofitted., retrofitting and condenser coil replacement in pu-2 @ ora ss equipment # 30346955 ora sustation package unit # 2 manufacturer # carr ier model numer # 50tj-028-933m serial numer # 3508 s 04374 capacity # 25 tr serving area # control room 1.#performance testing of the retrofitted refrigerant circuits shalle done and check all parameters such as compressor starting and running currents, refrige rant suction and discharge pressures, supply air temperature, lp set point, hp set point etc. compare these values with the values o tained with r-22 prior to retrofit. if any anormality is oserved, it shall e rectified. 2.#the packaged unit casing shall e affixed with a lael in standard a4 size in a visile location indicating #retrofitted unit, new refrigerant: r-407c, month & year of comple tion: -----------#. the material of the lael shall e preferaly in stainless steel sheet and engraved, fixing method shall e riveted /screwed or as agreed y the dewa in-charge-engineer. final testing and commissioning of the packaged unit retrofitted with r-407c to e done 3.#after one month from the final testing and commissioning, the retrofittedpackaged unit shall e inspected again and perfo rmance shall e assessed refer to annexure-3. if the unit is working properly up to the full satisfaction of dewa, the warranty sha ll start from this day. contractor shall provide one year warranty for the retrofitted unit. if any anormality oserved after the ite m no. 14 or during this inspection, necessary corrective works shall e carried out y the contractor up to the satisfaction of dewa . if the unit is unale to start and operate or any anormal conditions persisting such as locked drier filter, clogged expansion valv e, poor compressor oil quality, compressor oil leakage, high supply air temperature, leakage of refrigerant, lp tripping, hp trippin g, compressor overheating/anormalnoise/anormal viration, higher compressor current than that rated etc., contractor is liale to rec tify. 4.#the following signed and stamped documents shall e sumitted y the contractor upon completion of the works along with po cop y: a#delivery note for all the newly supplied materials #jo completion report c#test report of packaged unit prior to start th e retrofit d#testing and commissioning report after retrofitting e#final inspection report as mentioned in clause 16 aove f# warranty certificate for minimum one year period for the retrofitted unit. condenser coil and coating warranty of minimum 7years. g #data sheets/msds for new compressor oil and r-407c used and the quantity used in each refrigerant circuit. h#technical data sheet for all newly supplied items including condenser coil-fin assemly, lower earing and pulley. notes:- 1.#interested parties to visit the site on 04/09/2018 to assess entire scope of works to e carried out prior to quote and then quote for lump sum accordingly. no change in quoted price acceptale thereafter. contact details for arranging the site visit are: mr. suresh, asst. engineer tel. 04- 3221471/ mo: 050-4611816 or #mr. thomas, engineer tel. 04-3221470/ mo. no: 055-9147894 or 5.#inspect the components in th e refrigerant circuits such as compressors, expansion valves, drier filters, sight glasses, lp and hp switches etc. in oth refrigera nt circuits of the existing packaged units. check whether these components are compatile or not to operate with new ozone friendly refrigerant r-407c ased on name plate data, unit and component manufacturer catalogues/o & m manuals /recommendations. 6.#list of components to e replaced as part of retrofit for each refrigerant circuit of packaged units shall e notified y the contractor to the concerned maintenance in-charge-electromechanical engineer/ supervisor of dewa-tcm department and get his approval prior to pro ceed with retrofit. it is contractor#s sole responsiility to ensure that the packaged unit will operate smoothly after the retrofitt ing works. 7.#replace old condenser coil - fin assemly with new condenser coil-fin assemly and the new coils shall e compatile to op erate with new refrigerant r407c. no of rows, fins per inch, coil lock thickness, coil thickness etc. shall e suitale toachieve the same cooling capacity of the existing unit. condenser coil fins shall e coated with special anti-corrosive protection. warranty of minimum 7 years shall e provided for the coil and coating. 8.#contractor shall e responsile for disconnecting the old condenser coi ls from the aove mentioned package unit, shifting from roof of sustations to ground, transportation and disposal at dewa central scr ap yard. 9.#refrigerant r-22 shall e completely flushed out from the refrigerant circuit as part of retrofitting. r-22 and old compr essor oil deposits/traces shall e completely removed from the circuits including evaporator and condenser coils. 10.#recover/reclaim refrigerant r-22 from package units using recovery machine and the gas shall not edischarged to atmosphere. evidence supporting d ocument of refrigerant r22 recovery and recycling or disposal as per dm practice green certificate shall e provided y the contrac tor. 11.#if existing compressors are found compatile to operate with r-407c, the suction and discharge ends shall e disconnected fro m the copper piping. then flush out old compressor oil mineral oil completely. new compressor oil poe of required quantity compa tile to operate with r407c shall e charged to the compressor. it is preferrale to use the compressor oil as recommended y the compre ssor manufacturer for r-407c. permanent adhesive lael showing #refrofitted# with new oil details #oil name: ------/grade: ------/ma ke: ------/type: ------ and quantity: ---- # shall e affixed on compressor ody. 12.#if theexisting compressor in each refrigerant circuit inside the packaged unit is not compatile to use with new refrigerant r-407c, it shall e dismantled and replaced with r-407c compatile new compressor pre-charged with required amount of poe compressor oil. 13.#all required razing operations, evacuation, le akage/pressure testing and refrigerant r-407c charging shall e done properly y the contractor under careful supervision. 14.#the the rmostatic expansion valve ul shall e checked for its proper fixing and tightness at compressor suction line. degree of superheat sha ll e adjusted for r-407c ased on expansion valve opening. 15.#lp and hp switch settings shall e checked for r-407c operation. adjust ments or replacements, if any required, shall e done to ensure smooth and safeoperation of the compressors. 16.#all components not compatile to operate with new refrigerant r407c shall e removed from the units and not to e used in the units eing retrofitted., condenser coil replacement in chiller-2 @ hlal ss equipment # 30346351 hlal sustation chiller unit # 2 air cooled chiller manufact urer # carrier model numer # 30gtn060-f933 serial numer # 3304f52115 capacity # 60 tr serving area # control uilding notes:- 1.#inte rested parties to visit the site on 04/09/2018 to assess entire scope of works to e carried out prior to quote and then quote for lu mp sum accordingly. no change in quoted price acceptale thereafter. contact details for arranging the site visit are: mr. riyas, en gineer tel. 04-3221471/ mo: 050-6863712 or #mr. thomas, engineer tel. 04-3221470/ 055-9147894 or 1.#replace old condenser coil - fin assemly with new condenser coil-fin assemly and the new coil shall e compatile to operate properly. no of rows, fins per inch, coil lock thickness, coil thickness etc. shall e suitale to achieve the same cooling capacity of the existing unit. condenser coil fins shall e coated with special anti-corrosive protection. warranty of minimum 7 years shall e provided for the coi l and coating. 2.#condenser coil shall e copper to copper heresite coating to e ensured as it is in seaside 3.#contractor shall e responsile for disconnecting the old condenser coil from the aove mentioned chiller unit, shifting from roof of sustations to ground, transportation and disposal at dewa central scrap yard

1404 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14132822
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

supply of samsung galaxy active 2 tasm-t395 8.0 screen color lack dimension 214.7x127.6x9.9 mm opreating system android 7.1 nougat ram size 3g, 16g memory sim type single sim nano screen resolution 1280 x 800 pixels, wi-fi yes cpu speed 1.6 ghz quad core hard cove, zera enterprise talet et55 803 inch screen color lack dimensions 9.0 x 5.9 x0.50 in operating system android 6.0 marshmllow ram s ize 2 g, 32 g sim type single sim screen resolution 1920 x 1200, wi -fi yes cpu speed 1.33 ghz quad core .hard cover

1405 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14132841
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

supply of pocket colorimeter for testing chlorine dioxied using dpd method, palintestchlorine dioxide compact meter;product code:pth046 and a caliration check kitndf check standard kit; product code ptc046 with a valid certificate, portale density/specific gravity meter. range 0.0000 to 2.0000 g/cm3;precision ±0.001 g/cm3; resolution 0.0001 g/cm3.with valid cali ration certificate.

1406 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14132871
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

fire fighting system foam replacement and used foam disposal work at g station. foam tank details, 1#foam tank at dfo/mfo storag e tank area - capacity - 7.0 cu. meter. 2#foam tank at mfo day tank areavertical lack tank capacity # 1.25 cu. mete r 3#foam tank at aux.oiler area # capacity - 0.5 cu. meter. 4#foam tank at k station forwarding area # capacity - 0.30 cu. meter total volume of foam for disposal # approximate 7.5 cu. meter scope of work 1 contractor sho uld sumit the risk assessment and method statement for otaining ptw from opn. contractor is advised to do the site visit to understa nd the complete scope of work efore sumitting quotation. 2 it is the responsiility of the contractor to work safely, supervise work and ensure system is safe to work 3 first remove complete foam from tank; cleanthe tank, refill full tank with fresh foam supplie d y dewa. 4 contractor should have valid permit form municipality to dispose the waste. copy to e sumitted prior to start work. 5 foam recovered from all tanks to e transported for disposal, through proper vehicle. 6 clean foam tank area carry out housekeeping and clear the area 7. finish the work and clear the ptw. dewa scope 1 dewa will supply fresh angus fp air liquid fluro protein 3% foam. 2 dewa engineer in charge will assist for entry permit to work etc. general conditions 1. the contractor shall e comp etent and have enough experience in the similar work and the work shall e undertaken with utmost safety to the plant and humans work ing under him and neary. 2. the contractorshall arrange all the equipment, tools, accessories required for emptying and refilling of foam in tank. 3. contractor must arrange his own tanker for the transportation of the foam. 4. the contractor shall e responsil e for safety of his equipment and personnel and will follow all estalished codes of practices on safety and security within the plan t. 5. tool ox talks shall e conducted on daily asis. copy to e sumitted daily . note - tank will e given one y one after completi on first one for site visit contact persons: mr. arad moile: 0504611635, fire fighting system foam replacement and used foam disposal work at g station. foam tank details, 1#foam tank at dfo/mfo storage tank area - capacity - 7.0 cu. meter. 2#foam tank at mfo day tank areavertical lack tank capacity # 1.25 cu. meter3#foam tank at aux.oiler area # capacity - 0.5 cu. meter. 4#foam tank at k station forwarding area # capacity - 0.30 cu. meter total volume of foam for disposal # approximate 7.5 cu. meter scope of work 1 contractor shou ld sumit the risk assessment and method statement for otaining ptw from opn. contractor is advised to do the site visit to understan d the complete scope of work efore sumitting quotation. 2 it is the responsiility of the contractor to work safely, supervise work and ensure system is safe to work 3 first remove complete foam from tank; clean the tank, refill full tank with fresh foam supplied y dewa. 4 contractor should have valid permit form municipality to dispose the waste. copy to e sumitted prior to start work. 5 f oam recovered from all tanks to etransported for disposal, through proper vehicle. 6 clean foam tank area carry out housekeeping a nd clear the area 7. finish the work and clear the ptw. dewa scope 1 dewa will supply fresh angus fp air liquid fluro protein 3% foam. 2 dewa engineer in charge will assist for entry permit to work etc. general conditions 1. the contractor shall e compe tent and have enough experience in the similar work and the work shall e undertaken with utmost safety to the plant and humans worki ng under him and neary. 2. the contractor shall arrange all the equipment, tools, accessories required for emptying and refilling o f foam in tank. 3. contractor must arrange his own tanker for the transportation of the foam. 4. the contractor shall e responsile for safety of his equipment and personneland will follow all estalished codes of practices on safety and security within the plant . 5. tool ox talks shall e conducted on daily asis. copy to e sumitted daily . note - tank will e given one y one after completio n first one for site visit contact persons: mr. arad moile: 0504611635, fire fighting system foam replacement and used foam disposal work at g station. foam tank details, 1#foam tank at dfo/mfo storage tank area - capacity - 7.0 cu. meter. 2#foam tank at mfo day tank areavertical lack tank capacity # 1.25 cu. meter 3#foam tank at aux.oiler area # capacity - 0.5 cu. meter. 4#foam tank at k station forwarding area # capacity - 0.30 cu. meter total volume of foam for disposal # approximate 7.5 cu. meter scope of work 1 contractor shou ld sumit the risk assessment and method statement for otaining ptw from opncontractor is advised to do the site visit to understan d the complete scope of work efore sumitting quotation. 2 it is the responsiility of the contractor to work safely, supervise work and ensure system is safe to work 3 first remove complete foam from tank; clean the tank, refill full tank with fresh foam supplied y dewa. 4 contractor should have valid permit form municipality to dispose the waste. copy to e sumitted prior to start work. 5 f oam recovered from all tanks to e transported for disposal, through proper vehicle. 6 clean foam tank area carry out housekeeping a nd clear the area 7. finish the work and clear the ptw. dewa scope 1 dewa will supply fresh angus fp air liquid fluro protein 3% foam. 2 dewa engineer in charge will assistfor entry permit to work etc. general conditions 1. the contractor shall e compe tent and have enough experience in the similar work and the work shall e undertaken with utmost safety to the plant and humans worki ng under him and neary. 2. the contractor shall arrange all the equipment, tools, accessories required for emptying and refilling o f foam in tank. 3. contractor must arrange his own tanker for the transportation of the foam. 4. the contractor shall e responsile for safety of his equipment and personnel and will follow all estalished codes of practices on safety and security within the plant . 5. tool ox talks shall e conducted on daily asis. copy to e sumitted daily . note - tank will e given one y one after completion first one for site visit contact persons:mr. arad moile: 0504611635, fire fighting system foam replacement and used foam disposal work at g station. foam tank details, 1#foam tank at dfo/mfo storage tank area - capacity - 7.0 cu. meter. 2#foam tank at mfo day tank areavertical lack tank capacity # 1.25 cu. meter 3#foam tank at aux.oiler area # capacity - 0.5 cu. meter. 4#foam tank at k station forwarding area # capacity - 0.30 cu. meter total volume of foam for disposal # approximate 7.5 cu. meter scope of work 1 contractor shou ld sumit the risk assessment and method statement for otaining ptw from opn. contractor is advised to do the site visit to understan d the complete scope of work efore sumitting quotation. 2 it is the responsiility of the contractor to work safely, supervise work and ensure system is safe to work 3 firstremove complete foam from tank; clean the tank, refill full tank with fresh foam supplied y dewa. 4 contractor should have valid permit form municipality to dispose the waste. copy to e sumitted prior to start work. 5 f oam recovered from all tanks to e transported for disposal, through proper vehicle. 6 clean foam tank area carry out housekeeping a nd clear the area 7. finish the work and clear the ptw. dewa scope 1 dewa will supply fresh angus fp air liquid fluro protein 3% foam. 2 dewa engineer in charge will assist for entry permit to work etc. general conditions 1. the contractor shall e compe tent and have enough experience in the similar work and the work shall e undertaken with utmost safety to the plant and humans worki ng under him and neary. 2. the contractorshall arrange all the equipment, tools, accessories required for emptying and refilling o f foam in tank. 3. contractor must arrange his own tanker for the transportation of the foam. 4. the contractor shall e responsile for safety of his equipment and personnel and will follow all estalished codes of practices on safety and security within the plant . 5. tool ox talks shall e conducted on daily asis. copy to e sumitted daily . note - tank will e given one y one after completio n first one for site visit contact persons: mr. arad moile: 0504611635

1407 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14132884
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

supply of impact wrench; makita cordless; 1/2-inch, hammer drill; dewalt dw511 1/2 inch vsr, grinder;osch angle, professional, gws-8-, grinder;osch gco14-2 powerful 2300-watt

1408 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14132906
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

supply of conductor height meter with pro software the description similar to tru pulse 200x laser range finder - range: 1, 000 meter& 2, 000 me ter on reflective targets - inclination: +/- 90 degrees - accuracy: +/-4cm measurement modes: - distance: horizontal, vertical and s lope - inclination: degree and percentage height: - 3 shot routine - weight: 220 gm temp: -20 to +60 degree - dust & water protectio n: ip 54 - optics: 7x magnification - atarry: 3.0 volt aa type good for 37, 000 shots - communication: serial port - units: feet, y ards, meters & degrees - warranty: 1 year from the date of purchase - make: made from japan, europe or usa tansmission & distriution pro software for span, sag - data collector software solution such as span, sag - ap data collector - t&d pro software - qvga display screen with portrait view - pc: windows xp, vista & 7 operating system measurements: - 1. missing line & slope - 2. conductor clea rance - 3. sag profile - 4. conductor height - touch screen activated - record & store field data notes: caliration/test certificate to e provided warranty certificate to e provided demo and training to e provided.

1409 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14132927
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

supply of automated pressure calirator; model: adt761-m: range: -0.90 to 25 ar make: additel, digital handheld manometer gauge, part no. hm3500dlm310, range 0 to 17 ar, make huer,,

1410 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14132951
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

dismantling existing fume hood cupoard and installation of laoratory fume hood cupoard, latec, fc120-sw. american/european standard. dimension outer - width 1240mm; depth 900mm; height 2400mm inner - width 1200mm; depth 720mm; height 730mm usale sash height work top: 19mm thick epoxy resin coated. depth of clear working space: 700 mm minimum front sash: 6mm thick toughened glass panel sliding up and down 2 nos of fluorescent light. 3 nos of 15a electrical sockets fume extraction fan

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