Latest and live tenders published in united arab emirates. Click on any tender to view further details.

1621 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14089973
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  03 Sep, 2018

supply of cylinder, hydraulic cylinder, type-hwz 250 160/110 x 1350 cgdma +sg-80k, material: no-6 007 922, drawing no-zs-29460-00, for oile r diverter damper hydraulic system

1622 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14090056
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  02 Sep, 2018

supply of valve manifolds;3 valve type:w3ca/w3da, part no:w3casa-n4td, make:schneider, quantity onnets: 3, manifold specifics: compact design # 3 valve manifold without vent port, inlet: female, material: 1.4401 / 1.4404 / 316 / 316l, onnet: ptfe, inlet - thread size: 1/2 npt, outlet - transmitter interface: din en 61518-a.

1623 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14090078
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  02 Sep, 2018

supply of spare receiver, make: apollo, part no.: 29600-200; used in fire fighting eam decetor part no.: 55000-265.year warranty shall e pro vided

1624 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14090084
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  02 Sep, 2018

supply of proximity sensor, make: sick, model: ima30-40ne1zc0k, diameter: 30 mm, sensing range: 0 to 40 mm, output function: 4 to 20 ma, enc losure: ip67, supply: 15 to 30 vdc, with mounting racket, type: ef-wn-m30, part no: 5308445, with plug connectors and cales, typ e : yf2a14-050v3xleax, part no: 2096235

1625 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14090098
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  02 Sep, 2018

supply of gauge hose, make: hydroma, product code: 048.10018, part no: rd231tn3614l2000, name of product series: rs0-31tn000036140000-16x2/g1/ 4-2000mm.

1626 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14090107
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Sep, 2018

supply of coil ignitor encapsulated with spark tip with 5m hofr cale, type: sa91- 1, ref: 4072, hazardous area rating: 11ct6, certificate no: sira 02atex5301x, input: 175 vdc, output: 8750 vdc, atex category: ex 112g, a3/ig/9600, make: igniters comustion enginee r ltd. lichfield, ws149ux, england

1627 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14090125
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Sep, 2018

supply of tue; ss316; 6 mm x 1.0 mm thickness; 6m length, connector male 1/4 npt x 6mm o.d tue ss part no. m6msc1/4n make: parker, tee connector union male 6 mm metric tuing prkr p/n.etm6ssp/r. 14847, needle valve, process connection 1/4.p/n : 4a-u6lr-t-ss, parker

1628 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14090139
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Sep, 2018

supply of suonder eacon, make:roshni sounder tyco part no 171.392.dimentions: 93dia ? 105d mm deep ase.color red, out voltage 9-24 vdc, t y pical current, sound out put 102d, horn/stroe 12/24v dc red, make: system sensor mexico, model: p2 rk, wall mounted 15, 15/75, 30, 75, 110 candela with weather proof ac k ox.

1629 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14090169
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  02 Sep, 2018

supply of valve, temperature control, size- 50 a, rating-150 l, tee configuration, flanged, valve type - gv, end connection - rf flanged ansi 1 6.5 150 class, service media - lue oil iso vg 46, serial numer-e66287-001, housing material - stainless steel, model no. - 2crj 1350 1-00-aa, set temperature - 57 deg. c, valve make-amot controls, england, temperature regulator valve for lue oil header, kks no. - * *ekh10aa006, main equipment-fuel gas compressor, seat, olted in, for temperature control valve, reference numer- 3, part numer- 9585l001, for valve make - amot controls, rating - 150 l, size - 50 a, service media - lue oil iso vg 46, serial numer - e66287-001, model no. - 2crj13501-00-aa, set tempera ture - 57 deg. c, temperature regulator valve for lue oil header, kks no. - **ekh10aa006, main equipment-fuel gas compressor, sleeve, for temperature control valve, reference numer- 4, part numer- 1182, for valve make - amot controls, rating - 150 l, s iz e - 50 a, service media - lue oil iso vg 46, serial numer - e66287-001, model no. - 2crj13501-00-aa, set temperature - 57 deg . c, temperature regulator valve for lue oil header, kks no. - **ekh10aa006, main equipment-fuel gas compressor, o-ring seal, for temperature control valve, reference numer- 7, part numer- 1183l002, for valve make - amot controls, rating - 15 0 l, size - 50 a, service media - lue oil iso vg 46, serial numer - e66287-001, model no. - 2crj13501-00-aa, set temperatur e - 5 7 deg. c, temperature regulator valve for lue oil header, kks no. - **ekh10aa006, main equipment-fuel gas compressor, element, assemly, standard, for temperature control valve, reference numer- 8, part numer- 1096x, code no.-01, forvalve make - a mot controls, size - 50 a, rating - 150 l, , service media - lue oil iso vg 46, serial numer - e66287-001, model no. - 2crj1 3501- 00-aa, set temperature - 57 deg. c, temperature regulator valve for lue oil header, kks no. - **ekh10aa006, main equipment-fue l ga s compressor, gasket, for temperature control valve, reference numer- 9, part numer- 1094, for valve make - amot controls, rating - 150 l, siz e - 50 a, service media - lue oil iso vg 46, serial numer - e66287-001, model no. - 2crj13501-00-aa, set temperature - 57 de g. c, temperature regulator valve for lue oil header, kks no. - **ekh10aa006, main equipment-fuel gas compressor.

1630 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14090190
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  02 Sep, 2018

supply of eye olt; m6, shoulder type machinery eye olt, forged steel-quenched and tempered, fatigue rated 1-1/2 times working load limit, as m e 30.26. to e supplied along with test certificate valid for one year.

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