Latest and live tenders published in united arab emirates. Click on any tender to view further details.

1711 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14093594
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Sep, 2018

technical and general specifications, outsourcing work l station phase ii, jeel ali name of work: ·#hrsg-82 flow grid top expan sion ellow replacement, qty-06 nos period of work: 10 days during shut down of hrsg-82 hrsg-81 will start from 06.10.2018 scope of work: ·#the contractor shall visit the site and make himself fully familiar with the work scope, plant access, facilities, compl exities, safety measures etc., efore he sumit his id. ·#to get a ptw, hwp contractor has to sumit risk assessment forms and method statement prior to start the work. ·#check condition suitale to carry out work. conduct site survey and safety inspection to assess the working environment. ·#if working environment is safe proceed the following steps, ·#a safety meeting will e held toevaluate the risk involved in methods to e used. risk assessment and tool ox talk to e given to the employees. ·#moilize the laor, equipmen t, tools, etc. on 24 hrs. notice period. ·#removal of the old/damaged expansion ellow. ·#removal of the old insulation from inside of the pipe. ·#putting of new high temperature ceramic insulation inside the pipe from top of hrsg as well as from ottom of hrsg. ·#fixing of the new expansion ellow. ·#jointing of the expansion ellow with high temperature jointing iron ox. ·#final tighten of the expansion ellow. ·#housekeeping and disposal of waste from the jo to e done efore site clearance. ·#inspection and approval from dewa personnel. ·#de-moilization and site clearance ·#previous experience po # to e provided for the same type of jo fromdew a or any other well-known company. ·#work completion report, full repairing reports & warranty for 12 month to e sumitted to dewa. ·#drawing for the expansion ellow attached for your reference. dewa scope ·#insulation pins, insulation and cladding sheets if r equired. ·#nut for ellow fixing ·#high temperature ceramic insulation. ·#scaffolding if required. ·#air, water and electricity. contractor scope of material supply ·#required skilled manpower, tools and consumales ·#all personal protective equipment. ·#ri sk analysis and method of statement of the jo. ·#detailed report after completion of jo. ·#tested lifting equipment whichever requ ired for jo. ·#all tools & tackles and jointing iron ox. drawing:

1712 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14093609
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Sep, 2018

supply of oily water, sea water and chemicals draining pits cleaning and disposal service jo, located at k-station disposal of 85, 000 gallons oily water y approved municipality contractor

1713 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14093650
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Sep, 2018

installation of ss tues 220 meters approximate in wh-1a hydraulic system at e station from flow divider to cylinder including flexile hose assemly, pressure testing & flushing contractor#s scope:- 1.#jo will e executed at site only. 2.#removal of existing tu e, clamps and hose assemlies. 3.#welding of new clamps with all attachments on position. 4.#farication and installation of ss tues. 5.#connecting with hose assemlies. 6.#loop and pressure test the lines for any leakages 1.5 times of working pressure. 7.#flush th e tues to achieve nas class level 7. 8.#commission the system to the satisfaction of client. dewa scope:- 1.#line clearances, neces sary permits and co-ordination with other departments. such as instrument & electrical connections removal. 2.#allthe rel ated ss tues, hoses and other spares including hydraulic oil. 3.#crane & fork lifts. 4.#electrical power & air supply. 5. ndt 6 . scaffolding, installation of ss tues 220 meters approximate in wh-1 hydraulic system at e station from flow divider to cylinder including f lexile hose assemly, pressure testing & flushing contractor#s scope:- 1.#jo will e executed at site only. 2.#removal of existing tue, clamps and hose assemlies. 3.#welding of new clamps with all attachments on position. 4.#farication and installation of ss tues. 5 .#connecting with hose assemlies. 6.#loop and pressure test the lines for any leakages 1.5 times of working pressure. 7.#flush the tues to achieve nas class level 7.8.#commission the system to the satisfaction of client. dewa scope:- 1.#line clearances, necess ary permits and co-ordination with other departments. such as instrument & electrical connections removal. 2.#all the rela ted ss tues, hoses and other spares including hydraulic oil. 3.#crane & fork lifts. 4.#electrical power & air supply. 5. ndt 6. scaffolding, installation of ss tues 220 meters approximate in wh-1c hydraulic system at e station from flow divider to cylinder including flexile hose assemly, pressure testing & flushing contractor#s scope:- 1.#jo will e executed at site only. 2.#removal of existing tu e, clamps and hose assemlies. 3.#welding of new clamps with all attachments on position. 4.#farication and installation ofss tues. 5.#connecting with hose assemlies. 6.#loop and pressure test the lines for any leakages 1.5 times of working pressure. 7.#flush th e tues to achieve nas class level 7. 8.#commission the system to the satisfaction of client. dewa scope:- 1.#line clearances, neces sary permits and co-ordination with other departments. such as instrument & electrical connections removal. 2.#all the rel ated ss tues, hoses and other spares including hydraulic oil. 3.#crane & fork lifts. 4.#electrical power & air supply. 5. ndt 6 . scaffolding

1714 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14093699
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Sep, 2018

overhauling, pressure testing and commissioning of eu type horizontal heat exchangers 52a & 52 in k station dewa, japs 1.#remove all the insulation and cladding sheet from vessel surface gas side ody, water side ody and convex ottoms up to the nozzle flanges. 2.#unolt the gas side and water side flanges, gas inlet and gas outlet flanges without damaging any of the neary equipment / pipeli ne. 3.#remove the gas side ody from the original position y unolting the supports. 4.#clean and remove any particle sedimentation in side the gas side ody, clean the gasket surface area. 5.#dewa engineer will inspect the gas side ody and gasket surface for any defe cts. 6.#any defects found in the gas side ody / gasket surface shall e rectified y the contractor. 7.#remove the gasket andclean th e water side ody surface. 8.#clean the tue internals y hydra jetting at specified water pressure. 9.#after hydra jetting, put the ne w gasket and test ring. 10.#lind the water side ody with lind flanges and provide pressure gauge. 11.#pressurize and hold the vessel at specified pressure and inspect the tue sheet. 12.#any leak / damage found shall e rectified y the contractor as instructed y dew a engineer. 13.#drain the waterside ody, install new gaskets contractor scope and ox up the unit with all connections. 14.#clean t he pressure vessel surface and paint the entire surface including supports. 15.#after the completion of painting, new insulation and cladding sheet shall e provided y the contractor. 16.#sumit the overhaul andhydro test report along with photos. work period 4 d ays for two units contractor scope ·#tools, tackles and equipment to carry out the jo. ·#welding consumales. ·#water side and gas side tue sheet gaskets including for hydro test. ·#test ring for hydro testing ·#lind flanges, pressure gauge and gaskets to carry o ut hydro test. dewa scope ·#scaffolding ·#power ·#water ·#paint ·#insulation and cladding sheet additional requirements from contrac tor 1.#all the lifting activities shall e manual. crane / forklifts are not allowed to enter the premises. 2.#all the lifting and ri gging tools shall e inspected and certified y third party. 3.#all the lifting / rigging tools along with third party inspection cert ificates shall e produced to dewa one-dayadvance in order to verify the items. 4.#dewa will not e responsile for any loss, in case of any incident / damage due to failure of rigging / lifting tools. any such condition / damage shall e repaired / rectified y the c ontractor in their own cost. warranty ·#the warranty period for the work shall e one year from the date of completion of work cert ified y dewa. ·#in case of any damage/defect of the work carried out under this contract within this warranty period, the contractor shall attend and carry out the necessary repair work and rectify the defect within short period without affecting the production of electricity and water. general terms & conditions ·#the contractor shall visit the site and make himself fully familiar with the work scope, plant access, facilities, complexities, safety measures etc., efore he sumits his id. ·#contactor shall sumit method of statement and schedule upon receipt of po. ·#the contractor shall ensure housekeeping on a daily asis and the contractor shall e res ponsile for all waste material disposals to designated places. ·#all dewa safety & environment policy, rules and regulation shall e followed at work site during the execution of the work. the contractor#s engineer should e familiar with safety regulations while wo rking in a hazardous area. ·#scaffolding if required shall e arranged y dewa. ·#crane if required shall e arranged y dewa. ·#all rig ging and transporting equipment should e arranged y the contractor. this equipment should e duly tested and certified y the 3rd party inspection agency and the certificates should e produced on demand. qualified rigger, mechanics should e provided. ·#the work shal l e executed under dewa supervision and as per quality/schedule requirement. ·#contractor#s supervisor shall e availale at site thro ughout the period of work. ·#entry permits for the staff/workers should e applied with passport copies having valid visa. persons, w hose names are not availale in the list, will not e allowed to enter the powerhouse. ·#entry permits for the vehicle should e applie d with copies of vehicle registration. ·#dewa will arrange necessary ptw / lc / hwp from operation, chemical la / fire department cl earances to carry out the scope of work under this contract. ·#the contractor upon receiving the work permit shall firstensure a sa fe working condition. ·#all the persons should wear all the required ppe while at work. ·#all material and tools rought in shall e d eclared at power station security gate and the list of these items shall e signed y dewa security. the copies of these documents sha ll e lodged with dewa engineer in-charge on daily asis. this document will e the asis for the clearance gate pass to take them out on completion of the jo. ·#service air, electricity and water for work at dewa site. it is the responsiility of the contractor to have his own arrangement in extending the electricity and water utility to his places of work including lighting, overhauling, pressure testing and commissioning of eu type horizontal heat exchangers 53a & 53 in k station dewa, japsremove all the insulation and cladding sheet from vessel surface gas side ody, water side ody and convex ottoms up to the nozzle flanges. 2.#unolt the gas side and water side flanges, gas inlet and gas outlet flanges without damaging any of the neary equipment / pipeli ne. 3.#remove the gas side ody from the original position y unolting the supports. 4.#clean and remove any particle sedimentation in side the gas side ody, clean the gasket surface area. 5.#dewa engineer will inspect the gas side ody and gasket surface for any defe cts. 6.#any defects found in the gas side ody / gasket surface shall e rectified y the contractor. 7.#remove the gasket and clean th e water side ody surface. 8.#clean the tue internals y hydra jetting at specifiedwater pressure. 9.#after hydra jetting, put the ne w gasket and test ring. 10.#lind the water side ody with lind flanges and provide pressure gauge. 11.#pressurize and hold the vessel at specified pressure and inspect the tue sheet. 12.#any leak / damage found shall e rectified y the contractor as instructed y dew a engineer. 13.#drain the waterside ody, install new gaskets contractor scope and ox up the unit with all connections. 14.#clean t he pressure vessel surface and paint the entire surface including supports. 15.#after the completion of painting, new insulation and cladding sheet shall e provided y the contractor. 16.#sumit the overhaul and hydro test report along with photos. work period 4 d ays for two units contractor scopetools, tackles and equipment to carry out the jo. ·#welding consumales. ·#water side and gas s ide tue sheet gaskets including for hydro test. ·#test ring for hydro testing ·#lind flanges, pressure gauge and gaskets to carry ou t hydro test. dewa scope ·#scaffolding ·#power ·#water ·#paint ·#insulation and cladding sheet additional requirements from contract or 1.#all the lifting activities shall e manual. crane / forklifts are not allowed to enter the premises. 2.#all the lifting and rig ging tools shall e inspected and certified y third party. 3.#all the lifting / rigging tools along with third party inspection certi ficates shall e produced to dewa one-day advance in order to verify the items. 4.#dewa will not e responsile for any loss, in case of any incident / damage due to failure of rigging / lifting tools. any such condition / damage shall e repaired / rectified y the co ntractor in their own cost. warranty ·#the warranty period for the work shall e one year from the date of completion of work certi fied y dewa. ·#in case of any damage/defect of the work carried out under this contract within this warranty period, the contractor shall attend and carry out the necessary repair work and rectify the defect within short period without affecting the production of electricity and water. general terms & conditions ·#the contractor shall visit the site and make himself fully familiar with the w ork scope, plant access, facilities, complexities, safety measures etc., efore he sumits his id. ·#contactor shall sumit method of statement and schedule upon receipt of po. ·#the contractor shall ensure housekeeping on a daily asis and the contractor shall e resp onsile for all waste material disposals to designated places. ·#all dewa safety & environment policy, rules and regulation shall e f ollowed at work site during the execution of the work. the contractor#s engineer should e familiar with safety regulations while wor king in a hazardous area. ·#scaffolding if required shall e arranged y dewa. ·#crane if required shall e arranged y dewa. ·#all rigg ing and transporting equipment should e arranged y the contractor. this equipment should e duly tested and certified y the 3rd party inspection agency and the certificates should e produced on demand. qualified rigger, mechanics should e provided. ·#thework shall e executed under dewa supervision and as per quality/schedule requirement. ·#contractor#s supervisor shall e availale at site throu ghout the period of work. ·#entry permits for the staff/workers should e applied with passport copies having valid visa. persons, wh ose names are not availale in the list, will not e allowed to enter the powerhouse. ·#entry permits for the vehicle should e applied with copies of vehicle registration. ·#dewa will arrange necessary ptw / lc / hwp from operation, chemical la / fire department cle arances to carry out the scope of work under this contract. ·#the contractor upon receiving the work permit shall first ensure a saf e working condition. ·#all the persons should wear all the required ppe while atwork. ·#all material and tools rought in shall e de clared at power station security gate and the list of these items shall e signed y dewa security. the copies of these documents shal l e lodged with dewa engineer in-charge on daily asis. this document will e the asis for the clearance gate pass to take them out on completion of the jo. ·#service air, electricity and water for work at dewa site. it is the responsiility of the contractor to h ave his own arrangement in extending the electricity and water utility to his places of work including lighting.

1715 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14093711
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Sep, 2018

provide all mep works as per specification, drawing dewa engineer approval# electrical# provide new 13a twin power sockets for the proposed layout including trunking and wiring with necessary modifications in the existing d, re-arrangement of existing 13a twin power sockets, other items# provide for any other item not included aove, ut are necessary to e executed for proper and efficient functioning of me p systems contractor to list out all items, furnish complete specification details for items and quote lump sum amount for each ite m elow.# if any items not listed/specified/detailed here ut are necessary to e executed, shall e deemed to have een included in the lump sum offer

1716 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14093777
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Sep, 2018

removal of existing all file rack as per the proposal layout to the dewa engineer satisfaction, provide all mep works as per specification, drawing dewa engineer approval# electrical# provide new 13a twin power sockets for the proposed layout including trunking and wiring with necessary modifications in the existing d, supply and install of high quality 12mm thick gypsum oard partition and painting colour match with existing paint as per drawing an d specification to the dewa engineer satisfaction. server room, new led light fixtures 60x60 panels with all needed accessories ased on the new layout requirement, supply and install the single clear frameless glass partition 10mm thick. the partition height up to false ceiling heightand door h eight is 2000mm film design to e provided as per dewas approval. including all other accessories as per drawing and specification t o the dewa engineer satisfaction, new external door entrance light, supply and install of new false celling gypsum tiles 600mmx600mm 10mm thick moisture resistant gypsum vinyl faced and aluminum foil acked with suspenders as per drawing and specification to the dewa engineer satisfaction approval, supply, install, test and commission decorative wall mounted split units 2-ton for manager room and next office, glazed ceramic tiles for floor first grade to dewa approval and allow for all other works like fixing in cement sand screed of overa ll 3# thick, transportation etc., design and pattern to engineer#s approval including cement ased colored grout, supply, install, test and commission decorative wall mounted split units 3-ton for open area office, remove existing paint from wall/concrete surface, prepare, clean and apply primer plus two coats of paint to match with the existing paint internally, supply, install, test and commission decorative wall mounted split units 1.5 ton for server room, supply and install of 12mm thick gypsum oard close to aluminum louver as per the new layout, supply install test and commission electrical distriution oard. for oth ac and light circuits main incomer 3-phase 63 a with outle t 22 amp 4 nos, and as per the requirements of lights and sockets. with necessary, remove the existing aluminum door to supply the new 12mm thick glass door including all other accessories as per drawing and specifi cation to the dewa engineer satisfaction, fire fighting# supply and install fire extinguisher co2 cylinders, other items# provide for any other item not included aove, ut are necessary to e executed for proper and efficient functioning of me p systems contractor to list out all items, furnish complete specification details for items and quote lump sum amount for each ite m elow.# if any items not listed/specified/detailed here ut are necessary to e executed, shall e deemed to have een included in the lump sum offer, contractor to sumit shop drawing of ac, single line diagram, load schedule, materiel list for approval efore installing, ac rand o general, carrier, daikin, toshia reem of rate 4 only gas pipes with foster, canvas clothes and warranty letter 5 years for compress ors, each ac to have separate elc and mc, led lights 3 years rand phillips or osram.

1717 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14093792
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Sep, 2018

to carry out external mechanical cleaning, painting and support refurishing of pipelines, valves, equipment#s, railing and its stru cture at e-station sea water intake system application # expose to sunlight and corrosive weather material - caron steel/ms scope of work: 1.inspection/repair, cleaning & painting of all the support, railing and structure at sea water intake system 2.inspectio n & painting of all metal piping#s 3.inspection & painting of all isolation valves and control valves 4.inspection & painting of all pumps, pumps pedestal, and related pipelines, valves etc 5.inspection of & painting all fastening and surface preparatio n 7.painting with under intermediate and top coats of high quality epoxy paint as per existing 8.all defective support to ereplaced y new 9.efore process the jo contractor shell sumit method statement for surface preparation and protective coating application 10. dewa approval will e required for selected painting system 11.painting work carried out shall have a warranty for 5 years from date of application. all tools and tackles manpower shall e arrange y the contractor, a detail and method of jo shell e sumitted for dew a engineer for review efore actual commencement of the jo. the contractor awarded with the jo shall follow the relevant procedure i n comply with dewa regulations. risk involved with the jo and the safety of workmen is responsiility of contractor. if the work is aove the ground level around 4 to 5 meter contractor shall provide material and uiltscaffolding required for the jo with relevant safety standards. contractor shall clean and remove complete wastes generated during painting cleaning/chipping on daily asis. con sumales, equipment and tools required for the jo shall e arranged y the contractor. risk assessment covering complete activities sh all e sumitted against the request for gate passes. responsile supervisor from the contractor shall conduct tool ox talk to their s taff on daily asis. lifting tool, tackles and electrical hand tools used for the jo shall e in good working condition water and el ectric supply required for the jo will e arranged y dewa free of cost note: quotation will not e accepted without site visit mr. m ehoo sahe / mohamed ahmed aljaziriengineers - moile 0504611674/0509444344 shall e contracted for more information and site visit

1718 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14093805
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  03 Sep, 2018

supply and installation of local control panel oxes. scope of works:- 1 supply and installation of 02 nos. local control panel ox es; #dimensions of the each panel ox: 100cm x 80cm x 30cm; #ip68 2 supply and installation of canopy and channels/structures for p anel oxes fixing/mounting; 3 panel oxes and canopies shall e made of grp; 4 channels/structures shall e stainless steal; 5 any other accessories if require to e supplied. 6 tools and equipment to e required shall e arranged y the supplier. remarks:- 1 w arranty for materials and workmanship shall e minimum one 01 year. 2 for clear understanding the scope of works, supplier may e visited the site. 3 for any clarification, please contact mr. ipla ranjan shill, 048140521 or 0555103005.

1719 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :13936351
Location :  United Arab Emirates - United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  29 Aug, 2018

supply, installation and testing of 60/90 mva 132/35 kv transformer

1720 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :13621385
Location :  United Arab Emirates - United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  08 Jul, 2018

operation & maintenance works for irrigation systems

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