Latest and live tenders published in australia. Click on any tender to view further details.
sea2273 fleet information environment modernisation industry engagement. the purpose of the sea2273 project is to provide the royal australian navy with a modernised fleet information environment fie.
department of employment, skills, small and family business the department works to provide people access to services and support to help them overcome barriers and develop skills to gain employment and participate in society.
conducted a review of its current radio operations and has identified issues and limitations in the following broad areas; core studio audio infrastructure, audio distribution networks, studio consoles, localisation of networked programs.
national archives of australia requires emergency management, training and documentation services in the form of the following:
approach to market atm is for the establishment of a deed of standing offer arrangement doso for the provision of a panel of experienced suppliers to provide end to end digitisation services for non-archival and/or archival records in audiovisual formats, using procedures endorsed by the national archives of australia national archives. the national archives wishes to establish this panel for five years with options to extend at the sole discretion of the archives
provision of nsw and vic road worthy certificates for light, medium and heavy military vehicles
supply of falling number fn is a global industry standard used to quantify detrimental pre-harvest sprouting phs in wheat, as early release from seed dormancy leads to significant effects on end product quality. however, a low falling number can also be caused by the trait of late maturity alpha-amylase lma, with some wheats having a genetic predisposition to accumulate low levels of starch digesting enzymes during grain filling in the absence of sprouting. lma susceptibility is currently a classification criterion for milling wheat in australia.
supply of falling number fn is a global industry standard used to quantify detrimental pre-harvest sprouting phs in wheat, as early release from seed dormancy leads to significant effects on end product quality. however, a low falling number can also be caused by the trait of late maturity alpha-amylase lma, with some wheats having a genetic predisposition to accumulate low levels of starch digesting enzymes during grain filling in the absence of sprouting. lma susceptibility is currently a classification criterion for milling wheat in australia.
supply of investment aims to provide introductory training that will impart technology skills to growers in a ‘hands-on’ manner and will be specific to and driven by issues raised by growers in each region initial scoping phase. specific to these issues, it will showcase mobile device integration technologies and low cost, simple pa methods already in use by growers and advisers. various mapping-based apps that may assist in simplifying the transition to applied decision making utilising spatial information and on the opportunity for vrt integration into farm management systems, will be discussed. it will also identify a selection of cost effective precision agriculture opportunities that growers can consider implementing on farm to respond to key management and resource input decisions that affect profitability.
supply of nvestment will discover if improved acquisition of p by crops is limited by distribution of p in the profile, or whether soil moisture limitations during the season prevent crop p uptake, or in fact, whether both factors interact impacting p acquisition. a network of field trials will inform critical soil p test values at and below 0-10cm on a range of soil types in central and southern nsw, victoria and south australia. the investment will also develop strategies to maximise return on p fertiliser investment.