Latest and live tenders published in australia. Click on any tender to view further details.
property and major contracts division proposes to engage a design and construct contractor to undertake infrastructure upgrades at the brisbane immigration transit accommodation bita facility. it is planned that the works will commence in december 2019 and be completed in march 2020.
supply of current tuas in service within army is the shadow 200 version 1 sh200 v1, operated by 20th surveillance and target acquisition regiment 20 sta regt and procured under joint project 129 phase 2 jp129-2. the shadow 200 v1 is becoming obsolescent from 2019 and will be replaced by the shadow 200 v2 in the us army inventory. the shadow 200 both versions have a number of capability shortfalls that do not support army’s need for a deployable, amphibious, runway independent capability.
supply of call for submission cfs stage criteria: suitability, feasibility, timeliness and contribution to australias defence industry capability. after each proposal is assessed against the criteria, defence will consider these proposals to ensure that it maintains a balanced portfolio of investments, taking into account the following: alignment to defence poriorities, diversity, innovation lifecycle and financial considerations. request for proposal rfp criteria: the above cfs criteria, with additional considerations for cost and organisational capability and capacity. defence will then reconsider the balance of investment as well as strategic considerations to determine value for money. for more information go to
supply of electromagnetic battle management embm capability will provide the warfighter with the knowledge and tools necessary to make appropriate decisions about electromagnetic spectrum ems use and prioritisati
in preparation for the release of the proposed rft, the commonwealth intends to release a series of documents and information to potential tenderers., information relating to the following is enclosed:, release of capability definition documentation cdd, confidentiality obligations, updated conditions of industry engagement d. industry day, security defence industry security program disp site visits, draft documentation
supply of industry day briefing for jnt9101 ph1 enhanced defence high frequency communications systems edhfcs was held on the 3 – 5 june 2019 in accordance with the details provided in the austender notice casg/jsd/not/7146/4.
supply of efence high frequency communications system dhfcs is reaching life of type and the commonwealth of australia has committed to enhancing this capability to reach 2040. dhfcs provides a long range strategic communications capability to defence assets and other government agencies. dhfcs consists of 8 remote sites across continental australia, 2 central sites in canberra and a test facility at the incumbent contractor’s premises in brisbane.
early works package 1 consisting of demolitions works, and the construction of a medical facility, guard house and permieter fence on lombrum naval base, manus island, papua new guinea.
supply of notice to industry advising of the prime vendor contract established with babcock pty ltd for the supply of counter-chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive c-cbrne goods and services.
post, fence, metal; steel, star, tagged, 60 cm lg, painted post, fence, metal; steel, star, tagged, 180 cm lg, painted