Latest and live tenders published in australia. Click on any tender to view further details.

3811 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16148072
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  30 Jul, 2019

soilborne disease management is reliant on correct identification of the causal pathogen, it is important that growers and advisors are supplied with the knowledge to be able to achieve this. the purpose of this investment is to extend to growers and advisors the different methods for correctly identifying soilborne pathogens. it will incorporate extension activities to assist symptom identification on the roots, promote the use of diagnostic services for pathogens that are difficult to identify by the naked-eye or may be present in a pathogen complex, and demonstrate management options available to reduce soilborne pathogen inoculum and impact

3812 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16148095
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  01 Aug, 2019

proposes a series of interactive harvester set-up days located across western 30, southern 24 and northern 30 regions to service growers at subregion level. event delivery and duration will vary for each region. this three-year investment will inform growers, harvest contractors, advisors and machinery resellers on harvester set-up and front to back grain quality/ losses through an interactive program with the aim to maximise harvest efficiency and optimise grain losses including the integration of effective harvest weed seed control. information will be practical and delivered using a range of local grower’s machinery. development of extension materials and evaluation of the grower & contractor practice change as a result of attending will be incorporated into this investment and will include the development of case studies and video content. applicants can apply for delivery in one or multiple regions. western – thirty 30 interactive expo days to be delivered over 3 years 10 per annum southern – twenty-four 24 interactive expo days to be delivered over 3 years 8 per annum northern – up to a total of thirty 30 interactive expo days to be delivered over 3 years up to 10 per annum, seasonally dependent the interactive harvester set-up day activities are to be coordinated nationally but designed and delivered strategically for each region. one investment across all three regions or three separate investments, one per region, will be considered. if three separate investments are proposed, applicants will need to outline a mechanism to ensure collaboration across the regions.

3813 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16148112
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Aug, 2019

proposes utilising current grdc northern region branded and supported events, such as the grdc research updates and sponsored field days, to stage a series of short events breakfast or pre-dinner gatherings to support the introduction of experienced agronomists and advisers to graduate level agronomists. in addition, this investment encompasses the establishment of strong linkages into the relevant grdc northern region university/college campuses to develop the bridge between study and career.

3814 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16148127
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  01 Aug, 2019

feathertop rhodes grass is a highly aggressive weed that, despite being a focus of several research efforts, is continuing to increase in incidence and severity in northern farming systems. the recent confirmation of resistance to glyphosate also highlights the need to manage the weed with an integrated systems approach. this proposal builds on work in daq00105, us00084, and nga00004 that have investigated various strategies for managing feathertop rhodes grass in the summer/winter cropping areas of the northern region. to facilitate improved management of feathertop rhodes grass in queensland and northern nsw, a communication and extension campaign is required. the procurement will update the current feathertop rhodes grass integrated weed management iwm publication for winter/summer cropping areas by incorporating recent research results and will be used as the focus of a targeted extension campaign

3815 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16148147
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  01 Aug, 2019

feathertop rhodes grass is a highly aggressive weed that, despite being a focus of several research efforts, is continuing to increase in incidence and severity in northern farming systems. the recent confirmation of resistance to glyphosate also highlights the need to manage the weed with an integrated systems approach. this proposal builds on work in daq00105, us00084, and nga00004 that have investigated various strategies for managing feathertop rhodes grass in the summer/winter cropping areas of the northern region. to facilitate improved management of feathertop rhodes grass in queensland and northern nsw, a communication and extension campaign is required. the procurement will update the current feathertop rhodes grass integrated weed management iwm publication for winter/summer cropping areas by incorporating recent research results and will be used as the focus of a targeted extension campaign.

3816 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16148172
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  21 Aug, 2019

supply of production of high value, human consumption pulses in australia is dominated by lentil and chickpea, and is concentrated on the more fertile soils in the medium rainfall areas of the southern and northern regions. due to the farming system benefits of imposing a double break and the high prices in recent years, there is much interest in expanding lentil and chickpea production onto soils with a number of constraints acidity, nutrient toxicities and deficiencies, poor structure and into other rainfall zones. it is critical that new pulses be developed and managed such that the crop life-cycle fits within the constraints of availability of soil water, frost and heat stresses and flowering and pod-set occur in the optimum window for different agroecological zones. as time to flowering and pod-set are so critical in these crops, understanding and improving them in existing production regions and where they have not been optimised yet is one of the most critical elements that can contribute to their adoption and deliver potential step changes in yield and profit. the national pulse phenology investment proposed will utilise common genetic resources across existing and potential pulse expansion regions of australia to expedite delivery of data, tools and knowledge which can inform crop breeding. it will leverage international r&d activities, and new synergies provided by recent developments in understanding of genome synteny and conserved pathways in this group of crops to deliver on investment outputs.

3817 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16148182
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  13 Aug, 2019

recent incursion of the barley disease ramularia has not been fully delimited around the areas of confirmed occurrence. as this disease can spread through infected seed, growers in these regions will need information on the relative risk of saving seed for planting the following year. other regions that currently have had no positive recordings will need to be surveyed to ensure that these areas are currently free from ramularia. ramularia in the northern hemisphere and new zealand has recently increased in pathogen aggressiveness, decreased in fungicide sensitivity and caused epidemics in germany. determining the occurrence of ramularia across the australian grain belt will inform the level of disease management options required including seed hygiene, fungicide and pre-breeding investments. investment description this investment will combine three surveillance approaches over two seasons to determine the incidence and distribution of ramularia across the australian grain belt. 1. delimiting ramularia incidence around existing confirmed occurrences; 2. where found, collection and storage of ramularia samples for further characterisation; 3. determining the areas that are free of the disease with emphasis on areas known to be of highest disease risk across the western, southern and northern grdc regions. there is a preference for a coordinated national approach. expected outcome by 2022, australian grain growers will be implementing effective disease management strategies that minimise the impact of priority diseases on production leading to at least 10% increase in profitability expected outputs by december 2019 and annually thereafter, australian grain growers will know the incidence and distribution of ramularia across the australian grain belt. details: a ramularia occurrence survey to be conducted across the australian grain belt with an emphasis on the high and medium rainfall regions. a delimitation survey will be conducted in western australia

3818 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16148206
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  26 Aug, 2019

falling number fn is a global industry standard used to quantify detrimental pre-harvest sprouting phs in wheat, as early release from seed dormancy leads to significant effects on end product quality. however, a low falling number can also be caused by the trait of late maturity alpha-amylase lma, with some wheats having a genetic predisposition to accumulate low levels of starch digesting enzymes during grain filling in the absence of sprouting. lma susceptibility is currently a classification criterion for milling wheat in australia. due to the cost involved in the current lma susceptibility screen, it is currently employed at a late phase in the breeding pathway of australian wheat breeding programs, which significantly restricts genetic gains for yield and other traits in australian wheat varieties

3819 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16148232
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  26 Aug, 2019

falling number fn is a global industry standard used to quantify detrimental pre-harvest sprouting phs in wheat, as early release from seed dormancy leads to significant effects on end product quality. however, a low falling number can also be caused by the trait of late maturity alpha-amylase lma, with some wheats having a genetic predisposition to accumulate low levels of starch digesting enzymes during grain filling in the absence of sprouting. lma susceptibility is currently a classification criterion for milling wheat in australia. investment description this investment is one of three interrelated investments aimed at managing and eliminating the effect of late maturity alpha-amylase lma in wheat through improved phenotyping and modelling: proc- 9176016 lma project a – improved phenotyping for late maturity alpha-amylase lma susceptibility in wheat proc- 9176017 lma project b – a novel high-throughput, low-cost test to determine cause of starch damage in wheat grain; and lma project c – an improved model of late maturity alpha-amylase lma field risk in australian wheat. this tender is for the development of a rapid, mobile, low-cost test for starch degradation in wheat grains which can also determine the cause of damage as lma or phs. such a test will be valuable to breeders and pre-breeders seeking to determine the cause of starch damage in breeding material and research populations in the field, increasing the speed at which lma susceptibility can be controlled by genetics. the technology could also be used by growers to aid post-harvest decision making and by grain receivers to rapidly and reliably determine starch damage. it is expected that the successful applicant will propose an innovative approach that may include imaging science, biochemistry and/or molecular biology. the proposed approach may also borrow from other disciplines such as medical sciences, food sciences, physics and engineering. a proof of concept of the proposed approach will be highly regarded in assessment. the tender is open to private, public and private-public partnerships. expected outcome by 2030, late maturity alpha-amylase lma risk is managed within the australian wheat industry as to maximise genetic gains and minimise downgrades to improve enduring profitability for australian growers. intermediate outcome by 2023, australian industry will have access to accurate, high-throughput screening tools for lma expression that are employable early in breeding programs, research programs and applicable to a more cost effective, higher throughput lma classification screen; growers will have the ability to determine starch damage of grain on-farm; and the industry as a whole will have access to accurate field risk profiles of lma to inform decision making. this will be achieved through the three interrelated investments.

3820 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16148261
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Aug, 2019

supply of products under the rehabilitation appliances program rap as listed in the rap national schedule of equipment. this rft seeks to establish a standing offer panel comprising suitable organisations to provide continence and other products to entitled persons throughout australia, including those who reside in major cities, inner and outer regional areas, and remote or very remote areas. dva encourages tenders from suitable organisations that have the capability to supply the specified products to entitled persons throughout australia. through the rft, dva intends to engage organisations with a demonstrated capability to flexibly provide quality services that meet the needs of dva. note: tenderers should ensure all tender documentation is uploaded to the correct austender atm id.

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