Latest and live tenders published in france. Click on any tender to view further details.
specialized maintenance, repair of structures, departments: alpes de haute provence, hautes alpes and
maintenance, major repairs and alteration of communal buildings lots 5-6-7-14
construction of 63 collective social housing 2-4 rue du général de gaulle - 77860 quincy voisins lot
design-realization relating to the rehabilitation of 234 dwellings and the demolition of 15 dwellings - neighborhood "
design-realization relative to rehabilitation of building 10 rouget de lisle located in mureaux 78 - call for
motorway a13 - complement demi-diffuseur de heudebouville lot 1 - marché taces
global performance market for the design, construction and operation-maintenance of a hotel
programmable maintenance for the needs of partenord habitat 2021 - direction lille metropole
study and construction services for the new icpe new plinius on the cea de cadarache site
sanitation connection works in carcassonne saint jean des communes de ventenac