European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
Tender Value :
1.08 Crore
master purchase order agreement for traffic studies
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
Tender Value :
12.00 Crore
supply of negative pressure therapy systems for the treatment of wounds for
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
Tender Value :
200.00 Crore
ormations and services relating to online technologies, products and services
of the company microsoft
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
Tender Value :
2.50 Crore
outsourcing services of the archives of the services of the rectorate of paris
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
Tender Value :
20.12 Crore
transport public urbain fontelys
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
Tender Value :
8.00 Crore
realization of training actions on the theme of development of animation, pedagogy and
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
Tender Value :
2.40 Crore
project management mission relating to the carrying out of the scheduled accessibility agenda work
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
editorial design for all cned sites
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
design of videos of various types
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
Tender Value :
4.00 Crore
maintenance and repair market for lifts, hoists and lifts