Latest and live tenders published in italy. Click on any tender to view further details.
p.a. rental 10 trucks with cig tank 9072056172
supply of systems for performing therapeutic apheresis procedure and selective leukapheresis on column
supply and installation of instruments for measuring quantities for the
supply of a linear accelerator for precision radiant therapy complete with image igrt techniques for
framework agreement for the supply of venous cannulas for minimally invasive surgery for luoc of cardiac surgery
open procedure, pursuant to art. 60, d.lgs. 2016, n. 50 for the purpose of supply and installation of equipment for
telematic open procedure for the contract for the on-site supply of a parking automation system.
five-year supply of complete diagnostic systems necessary to uu.oo. of clinical pathology, simt and
concierge service reception custody and video control of the offices of the a.r.c.a. central puglia and service of
job administration service at the general management of the defense industries agency