Latest and live tenders published in italy. Click on any tender to view further details.
biennial supply, in administration, of accessories and consumables for
framework agreement for the supply of stationery, paper and office supplies
open procedure, pursuant to article 60 paragraph 1 of legislative decree 50/2016, for awarding the supply to 5 lots of
supply of electromedical equipment, for the prevention of colorectal cancer and enhancement
telematic open procedure for the assignment of the waste disposal service
assignment of the design, construction supervision and coordination service for safety in the phase of
assignment of the municipal treasury service 2022-2026
out-of-court recovery service abroad of credits related to health services provided by companies
open telematic procedure pursuant to art. 60 of legislative decree no. 50/2016 for the assignment of the treasury service for the asl bt for
housing service divided into 2 lots