Latest and live tenders published in italy. Click on any tender to view further details.
logistic technical support service for the sustenance of n. 7 ab412hp helicopters and n. 1 ab412sp helicopter
maintenance service n.3 parcel sorting systems
purchase for the supply of "axles for wheelset of railway rolling stock"
framework agreement for the supply and installation of defibrillators. cig 90654348ca
collection, transport and recovery service of special non-hazardous waste eer 190805 products from managed plants
telematic tender g05729 a restricted procedure under dellart. 61 of legislative decree 50/2016 for the assignment of the
entrustment of line services with marginal character by yours
long-term rental services of self-driving vehicles
engineering services for expansion of north east yard and taxiway
assignment of design services, safety coordination, construction supervision and other services “ato bacchiglione