Latest and live tenders published in romania. Click on any tender to view further details.

3481 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22668858
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 34.0 Thousand
Last date :  10 Dec, 2021

the object of the contract is the acquisition of financial audit services within the project: strengthening the capacity to manage the sanitary crisis covid-19 at the level of ramnicu sarat municipal hospital smis code 140055, funded under the operational program for large infrastructure

3482 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22668863
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 25.0 Thousand
Last date :  10 Dec, 2021

snowmening and fighting services in damis village, bratca commune, bihor county, winter period

3483 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22668866
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 54.1 Thousand
Last date :  10 Dec, 2021

it is intended to purchase hotel accommodation, meals lunch and dinner, conference room rental services and catering services.

3484 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22668868
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 34.6 Thousand
Last date :  10 Dec, 2021

snowmening and fighting services in beznea village, bratca commune, bihor county, winter period

3485 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22668873
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 1.75 Lacs
Last date :  10 Dec, 2021

supply of sc piete si targuri craiova aims to award the contract for the acquisition of vegetable-fruit plateau roof repair works, sector b + c piata centrala ”

3486 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22668881
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 38.9 Thousand
Last date :  15 Dec, 2021

supply of the acquisition is completed by: concluding a framework agreement for the supply of electricity for a period of 12 months, with a single economic operator, which will include two subsequent contracts to be concluded for the periods

3487 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22668890
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 12.2 Thousand
Last date :  10 Dec, 2021

it is intended to purchase catering services - swedish buffet lunch and coffee breaks

3488 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22668894
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 5.0 Thousand
Last date :  10 Dec, 2021

according to the price request no. 11014 / 03.12.2021 attached

3489 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22668920
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 37.1 Thousand
Last date :  10 Dec, 2021

it is intended to purchase 1 training program package in the field of quality management for forensic specialists in romania and the republic of moldova

3490 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22668929
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 4.9 Thousand
Last date :  14 Dec, 2021

supply 54 packages with different sweets: kinder schoco bons, napolitana choco wafer- round- 5 pieces, milka candles with strawberries or other flavors box, chocolate milkinis 8 pcs per box, croating l -mare, napolitan kinder happy, kinder chocolate -8 pieces in a box, kinder delice -5pcs, kinder good, biscuits oreo. the mentioned products are necessary for forming a package, products that will be found in the gift bag, so in a total 54 packages bags. maximum price / package 100 lei including vat, total amount maximum 5400 lei including vat

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