Latest and live tenders published in romania. Click on any tender to view further details.

3511 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22672832
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 25.0 Thousand
Last date :  10 Dec, 2021

project verification services through certified specialists for the documentation related to the investment objectives: lot 6 - consolidation of county road body dj 107 k: galda de jos dj 107h - mesentea - galda de sus - magura - poiana galdei - modole?ti - întregalde - ivani? - ghiocani - dj 107i bârle?ti, section iv: km 23 + 700 - km 37 + 500, according to the invitation to participate no. 26151 / 02.12.2021, specifications no. 25487 / 19.11.2021, the draft service contract and the lot 6 technical and financial proposal form, published on the alba county council website, - public information - public procurement section.

3512 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22672844
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 29.5 Thousand
Last date :  10 Dec, 2021

project verification services through certified specialists for the documentation related to the investment objectives: lot 5 - modernization and consolidation of county road dj762, vidri?oara - hunedoara county limit, according to the invitation to participate no. 26151 / 02.12.2021, specifications no. 25445 / 18.11.2021, the draft service contract and the lot 5 technical and financial proposal form, published on the alba county council website, - public information - public procurement section. q

3513 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22672859
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 3.1 Thousand
Last date :  10 Dec, 2021

project verification services through certified specialists for the documentation related to the investment objectives: lot 4 - modernization of county road dj 142 n, capâlna de jos - sânmiclau?, according to the invitation to participate no. 26151 / 02.12.2021, specifications no. 25439 / 18.11.2021, the draft service contract and the lot 4 technical and financial proposal form, published on the alba county council website, - public information - public procurement section.

3514 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22672875
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 3.1 Thousand
Last date :  10 Dec, 2022

project verification services through certified specialists for the documentation related to the investment objectives: lot 3 - modernization of county road dj 107 h, co?lariu nou - dn1, according to the invitation to participate no. 26151 / 02.12.2021, specifications no. 25439 / 18.11.2021, the draft service contract and the lot 3 technical and financial proposal form, published on the alba county council website, - public information - public procurement section.

3515 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22672890
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 3.7 Thousand
Last date :  10 Dec, 2021

project verification services through certified specialists for the documentation related to the investment objectives: lot 2 - modernization of county road dj 704 a, dn 7 - pianu de jos, according to the invitation to participate no. 26151 / 02.12.2021, specifications no. 25439 / 18.11.2021, the draft service contract and the lot 2 technical and financial proposal form, published on the alba county council website, - public information - public procurement section.

3516 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22672909
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 3.7 Thousand
Last date :  10 Dec, 2021

project verification services through certified specialists for the documentation related to the investment objectives: lot 1 - modernization of the county road dj 106 k, section vingard - ohaba, according to the invitation to participate no. 26151 / 02.12.2021, specifications no. 25439 / 18.11.2021, the draft service contract and the lot 1 technical and financial proposal form, published on the alba county council website, - public information - public procurement section.

3517 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22672925
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 61.0 Thousand
Last date :  13 Dec, 2021

ln3 - repairs with replacement of panic kits for metal doors combined cycle from cte bucharest west - details regarding the technical conditions, reception conditions, etc. can be found in the terms of reference available on the website in the section public interest / announcements / public procurement / procurement / 2021

3518 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22672944
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  14 Dec, 2021

framework agreement for catering services for participants in qualification courses stage 1 organized within the project: including - complex actions to improve the quality of life, increase social cohesion and economic development for the population of che?ani, code smis 140013, co-financed project from the european social fund through the human capital operational

3519 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22672963
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 55.9 Thousand
Last date :  10 Dec, 2021

purchase of the necessary cleaning materials for the subordinate barracks

3520 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22672972
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 50.0 Thousand
Last date :  15 Dec, 2021

supply of jt low voltage electricity supply for satu mare consumption places petofi sandor street no. 47 consumption place code: 594040400001801781 contracted quantity: 30mwh. the supply period is 12 months 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022, corresponding to the period 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021. delivery start date: 01.01.2022, 00.00. the price for 1 mwh will include all regulated tariffs, including commercial excise without vat.

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