Latest and live tenders published in romania. Click on any tender to view further details.

3531 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22663329
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 52.5 Thousand
Last date :  27 Jan, 2022

design and execution of extensions of natural gas distribution networks, preparation of necessary documentation for obtaining the urbanism certificate, building permit, as well as related documents, necessary for extension and connection works to the natural gas distribution system in fundeni commune and frumusani commune with villages belonging to calarasi county, according to the requirements of anre order 18/2021 and ntpee 2018

3532 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22663333
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 8.0 Thousand
Last date :  09 Dec, 2021

published together with the documentation related to the procurement on the website of the contracting entity

3533 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22663360
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 1.35 Lacs
Last date :  09 Dec, 2021

purchase 1 cpl. 3.5 ton goods transport van, according to the specifications no. 1, 109, 263 from 02.12.2021 and technical specification

3534 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22663376
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 906
Last date :  09 Dec, 2021

garbage cans with lid and pedal 10l. requested quantity: 12 pcs, estimated unit price: 80.00 lei without vat. technical specifications are attached.

3535 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22663390
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 95.4 Thousand
Last date :  09 Dec, 2021

direct purchase of a car with hybrid technology through financial leasing

3536 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22663412
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 2.2 Thousand
Last date :  09 Dec, 2021

supply of maintenance materials for thermal points equipment, respectively: 1. capacitor 12.5 ?f according to the technical specification-attached - pcs 2; 2. ignition and ionization electrode kit electrical conductors included for gulliver bs 4d burner pcs 2; 3. ignition and ionization electrode kit electrical conductors included for rbl rs44mz burner - tl pcs 1; 4. automatic combustion programmeraccording to the technical specification-attached - pcs. 1.

3537 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22663414
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 18.0 Thousand
Last date :  09 Dec, 2021

it is intended to purchase a legislative it product and its installation and implementation services, in accordance with the requirements of the specifications and the technical specification. the total estimated value of the acquisition: 18, 000.00 lei, without vat 1, 500.00 lei, without vat / month. the duration of the contract will be until

3538 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22663425
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 8.9 Thousand
Last date :  09 Dec, 2021

cntee transelectrica sa with working point at utt timisoara wants to purchase 31 pieces of electric oil radiators with the following technical characteristics: un 230v, p 2500w - 3000w, 13 elements. additional details: overheat protection, rollover protection, indicator light, 3 power steps, minimum 6 month warranty

3539 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22663426
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 9.8 Thousand
Last date :  10 Dec, 2021

pvc joinery doors and windows, with installation included, at the headquarters of the birza and voineasa police stations, according to the attached specifications + dimensions

3540 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22663439
Location :  Romania - Romania, Romania
Tender Value : 50.9 Thousand
Last date :  09 Dec, 2021

supply of products according to the specifications and the offer request published on the platform. the whole bidding procedure is carried out exclusively by accessing the link

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