Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.

5871 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22766543
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 40.80 Lacs
Last date :  21 Dec, 2021

servei de suport al catalonia cert per a lagència de ciberseguretat de catalunya lot 1: servei de resposta activa lot 2: servei dintel·ligència operativa

5872 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22766554
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 27.88 Lacs
Last date :  11 Jan, 2022

subministre aggregat dapòsits actius complementari per als centers de linstitut català de la salut and adhering bodies: hospital de la cerdanya aect

5873 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22766572
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 81.8 Thousand
Last date :  29 Dec, 2021

specialized service aimed at families and residents of the municipality to prevent intra-family conflicts, avoid legal proceedings and favor the resolution of conflicts between parties

5874 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22766597
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 64.7 Thousand
Last date :  30 Dec, 2021

external audit service of existing certifications in mc mutual

5875 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22766612
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 1.39 Lacs
Last date :  08 Jan, 2022

soundproofing, accessibility and other actions at hospedería sierra de gata, in san martín de trevejo cáceres

5876 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22766631
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 19.0 Thousand
Last date :  29 Dec, 2021

maintenance and production services for laboratory animals, cytometry, cell cultures, large devices, histology and microscopy

5877 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22766637
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 38.61 Crore
Last date :  28 Dec, 2021

r&d service to provide a bidirectional interface for the direct exchange of patient information /

5878 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22766647
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 89.1 Thousand
Last date :  03 Jan, 2022

alarm connection service and maintenance of the security systems of the hon. provincial council of alicante

5879 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22766650
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 66.84 Crore
Last date :  10 Jan, 2022

attention service of the municipal sports facilities of muskiz

5880 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22766666
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 2.08 Lacs
Last date :  07 Jan, 2022

present contract teaches you to object to the manufacture, administration and assembly of the temporary exhibition naufragis, organized by the museu darqueologia de catalunya. the contract also includes the supply of the audiovisual equipment and information technology and the specific lighting focus in the technical project of the show, as well as the installation in spain, as well as the exhibition equipment and focus with the rest. specified in the project, what is available in the museum, including the inn in marxa and the global adjustment of the mateixos dacord with the museum directives defined by the museum.

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