Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.
potable water network renovation in c alles c ardqueta, e rm ita, p edregales, selda and fuente clara.
supported housing service for people with severe mental disorder in zarautz and donostia.
supply and installation of 24 projectors for the higher technical school of aeronautical and space engineering of the polytechnic university of madrid.
pai alfondeguilla urbanization works by direct management
ozonation installation works in the high sale stage
drafting of a planning instrument called: a toxa - meaño special infrastructure and endowment plan
service for conducting a census and monitoring of the breeding population of different species of seabirds in galicia, 75% co-financed by the european union through the european agricultural fund for regional development eafrd within the rural development program 2014 -2020 pdr. file number 60/2021 pn
supply of two vehicles for street cleaning service, one pick-up model and the other van model. file 2020 / tab 01 / 000848
environmental improvement in the iregua, najerilla, tirón, leza rivers and their tributaries la rioja.
management and maintenance service for the online communication strategy of the smart catalonia and digital policies website.