Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.
commissioning of the marie curie wind tunnel facility
constitueix lobjecte contractual the million of laccessibility of the urbanization of the cantonada est del carrer girona with the carrer francesc ribas, eliminating lesglaó that hi has a laccés als jardins existents to that cantonada des de la vorera del carrer francesc ribas i eixamplant la vorera del costat del carrer girona. month by month, i will also install the automatic reg xarxa for the new gardening in the area.
supply and lodging in marxa del maquinari, programming, migration of dades and post-implementation services associated with the unified business management information system sigue of vila universitària sl. lot 2: services of exploitation, administration, support, maintenance and development associated with the unified business management information system sigue of vila universitària sl.
consultancy on environmental management systems, reduction and offsetting of greenhouse gas emissions
supply of construction materials for aepsa works. exp. 1014421bc01.
maintenance service of the existing hardware infrastructure in the data processing centers dependent on the xunta de galicia.
program to promote the use of basque in the field of sports associations in zaldibar
supply of rx laptops for the new building of general services and surgical block of osi araba txagorritxu headquarters
purchase for flush valves program f110 on the side
adequacy of some spaces for the extension of existential external consultations in the cap santa clara