Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.

5981 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22769966
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 22.1 Thousand
Last date :  02 Jan, 2022

object of the contract is to carry out the necessary works for the paving of the humilladero crossing in the municipality of sasamón.

5982 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22769998
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 99.1 Thousand
Last date :  02 Jan, 2022

rehabilitation of the old hospice, to use it as a habitual residence for the public, as a day center

5983 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22770034
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 20.0 Thousand
Last date :  23 Dec, 2021

realization of a series of in vitro rubs for the determination of various properties of bioactius compost. specifically, it is necessary to determine: a the solubility of 80 composts, b the microsomal stability of 15 composts, c the ability to inhibit cytochromes of 8 composts, d the permeability in a caco-2 cell line of 8 composts, e the blocking activity of the herg channel of 4 composts i, f it was joined to plasma proteins of 3 composts.

5984 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22770065
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 1.22 Lacs
Last date :  30 Dec, 2021

onerous acquisition by competition for a ground floor premises for the auxiliary archive of the monzón town hall central.

5985 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22770089
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 53.9 Thousand
Last date :  28 Dec, 2021

execution of roof repair works and the base of facades detailed in phase i of the report valued for the repair of the roofs, base of the facades and of the exterior walls of the headquarters of the comarca de la jacetania, drawn up by the technical architect javier angel-aberola aspiroz.

5986 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22770109
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 78.5 Thousand
Last date :  28 Dec, 2021

improvement of four recreational areas in andosilla

5987 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22770121
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 16.75 Crore
Last date :  29 Dec, 2021

contract for the supply and maintenance service of a pay-per-share solution with

5988 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22770131
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 46.1 Thousand
Last date :  27 Dec, 2021

carrying out the necessary work to know the prevalence, distribution and characteristics of the main risk factors related to behavior according to the surveillance system for risk factors associated with non-communicable diseases sivfrent aimed at the youth, adult and largest in the community of madrid

5989 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22770140
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  10 Jan, 2022

supply in business leasing regime renting, without purchase option,

5990 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22770165
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 44.3 Thousand
Last date :  29 Dec, 2021

contracting the supply and maintenance of the technical equipment necessary for the validation or qualification of autoclaves and steam reactors of the animal health research center, inia-cisa.

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