Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.
the object of the contract is the execution of the comprehensive renovation work of the buildings located on calle de la cruz, calle maría muñoz and plaza unamuno that make up the euskal museoa based on the execution project presented by the project authors: vaillo + irigaray architects, antonio vaillo, juan l. irigaray, yago vaillo, in execution of the file exp062019serv-ngsp
execution of the works included in the landscape improvement of óscar esplá avenue project.
improvement actions in airfield according to daad of certification of the lanzarote airport
the object of the contract is the provision of services related to legal assistance, with special emphasis on the management of the administrative contracting of barcelona sagrera alta velocitat, sa hereinafter bsav. it includes recurring legal advice regarding all those activities, businesses or acts that, either directly or indirectly, are related to the business, traffic or corporate purpose of bsav, as well as the legal direction of the procedures.
adaptation of public spaces in zones 1, 2, 6 and science square of the moncloa campus for accessibility and mobility improvements.
supply of the first phase of the implementation of the unified tram network in the city of barcelona. lot no. 6: track superstructure.
contracting of the works and the supply of the materials of supply for the execution of the sector 5 modified of the project of integral renovation of the network of potable water of the district of sant to maria of vilanova i la geltrú p-232.2 that summons the vilanova and la geltrú water company sam.
home help service for autonomy and dependency care year 2022
adequacy of runway strip for regulatory compliance - phase i. vigo airport`
contracting of the informative media of the contents corresponding to the business guide 2022 and 2023 published by icex-invest in spain.