Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.

6991 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22674087
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 2.0 Thousand
Last date :  17 Dec, 2021

supply of electrical material for the areas of the eastern maintenance sector at malaga airport

6992 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22674088
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 2.00 Lacs
Last date :  17 Dec, 2021

specific content services for the spri group communication platform

6993 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22674097
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 9.0 Thousand
Last date :  17 Dec, 2021

the present contracts you to object to the supply, in terms of purchase, of folding carts and cars per seu emmagatzematge for the acts organized by the city council of sant cugat sesgarrigues, entitats of the municipality, or those to whom you donate your support. both cars and cars for the emmagatzematge will be new, of recent manufacture and commercialization. the adjudicating company has to supply these elements and provide transport services.

6994 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22674098
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 1.12 Lacs
Last date :  17 Dec, 2021

specifications for the supply and placement of new windows and blinds in the water commissary building, belonging to the segura hydrographic confederation

6995 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22674101
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 58.5 Thousand
Last date :  27 Dec, 2021

object of the contract is to provide the asturex press and communication office service

6996 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22674115
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 1.62 Lacs
Last date :  13 Dec, 2021

you are the clinical research organization cro for the research project pic18 / 00012, for the august pi i sunyer biomedical research institute consortium idibaps.

6997 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22674119
Location :  Madrid - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 28.9 Thousand
Last date :  16 Dec, 2021

supply and adaptation works of the structured cabling network of the municipal buildings of the villanueva del pardillo city council

6998 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22674129
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 1.86 Lacs
Last date :  21 Dec, 2021

work on a salt water thermal conditioning system in agua del pino

6999 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22674135
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 26.60 Lacs
Last date :  28 Dec, 2021

works contemplated in the arriondas defense project in front of the avenues. asturias phase ii, as well as the addendum that modifies certain project documents

7000 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22674141
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 25.0 Thousand
Last date :  16 Dec, 2021

drafting of the technical documentation necessary for the organization, management and execution of the urban development action program pau within the scope of the saui-11 quiñon industrial sector of the nnss, until the delivery of plots and reception of the urbanization

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