Latest and live tenders published in united arab emirates. Click on any tender to view further details.

1441 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :14131624
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  12 Sep, 2018

supply of solv.coil catalog# wptis 8 551318 mo, sol type ismxxe, orf 6.0, i max 0.5a, 24vdc, wmax 1.5w, wnom 0.4w, pipe 1/4, ip67, air/inert gas 2-10a r, make ascoused in urners.explosion proof mandatory, solv. lock model : 8 551419 mo, 5/2, pipe 1/4, make asco

1442 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :14131637
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

supply of f.f. kidde, det.optical smoke, make: kidde, type: xp 95 analogue addressale#part no.23900-k041, en54-7, supply:17-28vdc, used in fire fighting system, f.f. kidde, det.heat, make:kidde, type: xp 95 addressale, part no. : 23900-k042, supply:17-28vdc, used in fire fighting system

1443 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :14131650
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

supply of spare transmitter, make: apollo, part no.: 29600-199; used in fire fighting eam decetor part no.: 55000-265., f.f. kidde, smoke detector optical eam type, make: kidde, type: xp 95 addressale, part no. 23900-k087, operating voltage:17-28vdc, used in fire fighting system

1444 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :14131653
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

ups defects rectifcation@mushmch-ldg-a contractor scope of works: all faults associated with uninterruptile power supply ups syst ems located at technical uilding-a serving the lighting and small power lsp system in mush- mch 400kv cale tunnel shall e identifi ed, rectified and restore the tunnel lsp power supply system into auto mode from persisting ypass mode. ups defect description: the ups systems are faulty with display showing #ups in ypass due to fault#. the mushrif- mamzar 400kv cale tunnel lsp main power supply fed through ups at zone-a are currently ypassed due to the persisting faults in ups. no dc ack-up currently availale for lighting a nd small power system inside the tunnel and technical uildings at the location. the technical data sheet of the ups areenclosed at the end of this document as annexure-1. the ups details and photographs of the ups fault display in the attached document. refer at tached document for more details. notes: · the interested party shall visit the site to collect all required details, assess entire scope of works prior to quote and quote for lump sum accordingly. no claim or change in price accepted after issue of po. contact d etails for arranging the site visit are: mr. althaff hussain, sr. engineer tel. no: 04-3221473/ mo: 050-3620306 or mr. jishar, ass t. engineer tel.: 04-3221431 /mo: 050-4400789 refer attachment for detailed sow., ups defects rectifcation@mushmch-ldg-d contractor scope of works: all faults associated with uninterruptile power supply ups syst ems located at technical uilding-d serving the lighting and small power lsp systemin mush- mch 400kv cale tunnel shall e identifi ed, rectified and restore the tunnel lsp power supply system into auto mode from persisting ypass mode. ups defect description: the ups systems are faulty with display showing #ups in ypass due to fault#. the mushrif- mamzar 400kv cale tunnel lsp main power supply fed through ups at zone-d are currently ypassed due to the persisting faults in ups. no dc ack-up currently availale for lighting a nd small power system inside the tunnel and technical uildings at the location. the technical data sheet of the ups are enclosed at the end of this document as annexure-1. the ups details and photographs of the ups fault display in the attached document. refer at tached document for more details. notesthe interested party shall visit the site to collect all required details, assess entire scope of works prior to quote and quote for lump sum accordingly. no claim or change in price accepted after issue of po. contact d etails for arranging the site visit are: mr. althaff hussain, sr. engineer tel. no: 04-3221473/ mo: 050-3620306 or mr. jishar, ass t. engineer tel.: 04-3221431 /mo: 050-4400789 refer attachment for detailed sow.

1445 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :14131661
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

supply of press. switch, ervor france, pn 7 700 015, range 4 - 40 ar, 1/4 g int pressure connection, pg13 cale connection, for air comp model g110edd ser 4760, ref n05000429, sdg/edg

1446 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :14131664
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

complete servicing of hrsg 71 feed water pump motor-, 11kv, 3917kw, make: weg, model mgf 710, speed 2988rpm. as per the followings s cope of work: stator: 1.#carry out stator visual inspection and wedges tightness inspection. 2.#carry out electrical tests and core loss test on the stator. 3.#servicing, drying of the stator and varnishing rotor: 1.#carry out electrical tests on the rotor. 2.#se rvicing of the rotor 3.#dynamic alancing of the rotor earings: 1.#inspection and checking of the earings. earings if required repla cement, would e provided y dewa. 2.#inspection, checking the clearances of earings housing and refill if required. 3.#checking all layrinth seals and earing caps, investigate and rectify the cause of high viration experienced on the earing caps. general:1.#carry out visual inspection efore dismantling. 2.#dismantle the complete motor. 3.#transportation of the motor from its location dewa-ja ps, l1 stn. to vendor workshop and ack to original location with a suitale long low id trailer to e provided. dismantling and load ing to trailer, and unloading and installation of the motor, would e done y dewa. 4.#inspection, painting, hydro test and servicing of coolers. 5.#apply external anti corrosion and anti-static painting of motor ody. 6.#no load and low load test at workshop on 6.6 kv minimum voltage to e carried out. complete reports servicing, tests and inspection& rectifying on findings must e sumitted. warr anty shall e extended for minimum 18 months from delivery or 12 months fromoperation date.

1447 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :14131680
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

specification of upgrading of fire alarm sounder audile level at warsan tp uilding scope of work 1.#the parties should visit the s ite, and check the systems, asses the requirement and to quote lump sum accordingly including all accessories, consumales, laour and high level access, etc. 2.#the work including increasing of audile level for the existing fire alarm systems as required ds 3.#the contractor shall have the approval from dcd for the maintenance of fire protection systems. 4.#the systems shall e maintained as per civil defense regulations. 5.#in case of un-satisfactory performance, the lpo will e cancelled giving 15 days# notice. 6.#work to e carried out in the presence of dewa staff only. 7.#any corruption in existing program and damage shall e cleared y the party8.#aft er completion of the work the systems shall e tested y the party 9.#one year warranty to e given for all the parts used y the party 10.#quotation will e sumitted as per dewa specification only payment terms 1.#90% payment will e made after completion of the work 2.#10% payment will e made after warranty general 1.#all the materials in general will confirm as per latest standards and shall e sumitted to dewa for engineer#s approval. 2.#the contractor is required to take all precaution, so as not damage any of the existing equipment/structure etc. 3.#contractor staff is required to wear proper personal protective equipment at all time on the site. 4.#t he contractor shall visit the site, asses the work required and quote for lump sumaccordingly. ·#contact for site visit with mr. j aya kumar & mr. oaid 04-043227879, 050-3528909, 052-6973337

1448 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :14131693
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

phe model - ma30 wfdr sr. no. 30107-28415 no of plates # 165 requirements a#dismantle the plates #shift it to adsc for re gasketi ng c#reassemle the plates after gasketing d#pressure test at site.phe model - ma30 wfdr sr. no. 30107-28415 no of plates # 165 plates re-gasketting using dewa supplied set of gaskets& ring gasket scontact mr. husain adeen tel: 0506856250

1449 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :14131697
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  10 Sep, 2018

supply of air filter regulator-make:origa-model:sk-1/4 us -used for package d sea water system valves, solenoid valve-make:dow valve /ypc ltd korea-model :e04, coil-sc2-d4, valve-p4101-ip, 24vdc fail close, max pressure 10 ar-used for lnd plant, logic oard for aumatic ac01.1-make:auma-item no :009.0-part no z035.733 -comm no:13037172-13037182-13039851-13039880- 13039970-13039 975-13039926-used for package d electrical control valves act., limit switch-make:tyco avid model :er-02 216d00-oracle code sxte12hgv38z00-micro switc type v3 spdt gold plated ip 66, made as vas co sw-10173 rating 15a 125/250 vac. 0.5a 125vdc-used for hypo chlor plant

1450 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :14131708
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

supply of ff, sounder;& stroe light horn assemly ig. make: yodalex, audila / visual alarm, part no.: yl60 c d50 ul, class 1, rating: 24vdc 3 50ma, for use in hazardous location.

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