Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction boundary including gate of darussalam uttor mogdhara primry school dipboundhu mostafizur rahman primary school & musapur need bangladesh primary school under pedp4.
construction of additional class room nakna under pedp4 0h 2v 2v 1v.
construction of rcc retaining wall dumping plastic bags at 49th km of rangamati- gagra chandraghona- bangalhalia- road r-161 road under road division during the year 2020-2021
repairing & maintenance works & others necessary work of h- type 129 no building outside stair case in/c veranda at bjri h.q -1207.
constuction of 02 two span 11 kv overhead line at muslimnagar o/h feeder under nocs kazla dpdc. b extension of 11 kv o/h line from 151/4/c/2 ka west rampura dhaka of mohanagar 11 kv o/h feeder under nocs mogbazar c extention of 3 span 11 kv o/h line at 2324 1st lane kalabagan under green view 11 kv o/h feeder of nocs poribag. d extension of 4 four span 11 kv o/h line at 10/e-1/a modhubag mogbazar under mirbag 11 kv o/h feeder of nocs mogbazar.e installation of 3 three span aerial cable at 145/4/5 ahmedbaag shobujbag under nocs mugdapara.
construction of 02 two nos solar energy supported production tubewell 4x2 for school in keshabpur & monirampur upozila at under village water supply project. fy-2020-21.
construction of rcc retaining wall dumping plastic bags at 51 th km of rangamati- gagra chandraghona- bangalhalia-road r-161 road under road division during the year 2020-2021.
construction of monuments at chondidasdi places create by the pakistani hanadar forces during liberation war of 1971 2nd phase one
electrical fittings fixture with related works in flat no- 102 201 and 301 of oprajita building and flat no- 301 & 402 of rajanigandha building including garage stair room entrance gate and garden of ground floor in the govt officers quarter superior at eskaton garden road
construction of upvc buried pipe line- pipe and fittings supplied by authority