Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of additional class room hamjar bagh gps under pedp 4.
improvement of rcc pavement work a amirabad alurghat by rcc road at ch 00-270m b barahatia manu fakir hat to naya hat rhd via upazila h/q road at ch 00-965m upazila lohagara salvage materials cost tk. 159007.00 id no-415474035415472006.
construction of upvc buried pipe line- pipe and fittings supplied by authority
construction of upvc buried pipe line- pipe and fittings supplied by authority
rehabilitation of college road to c.c centre road via taltoli bazar taltoli north south road from ch 00-2400m upazila sandwip id 412635153
development of barobkunda rhd-sandwip ferry ghat road mandari tola-sea road by rcc at ch 2450-3760m upazila sitakunda id no-415862003.
supply and installation of spare parts for emergency repair for proper maintenance and operation of existing split/ window type air cooler in different building at ministry of foreign affair campus segunbagicha
major maintenance work in wash block at different primary school in under pedp-4 project during the year 2020-21.
installation of deep tube well for potable water in shahjibazar power station bpdb
kacha drain at 197thp km of dhakamirpur-utholi-paturia-natakhola-kashinathpur-rangpur-beldanga-banglabandha n-5 road under road division during the year 2020-2021.