Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of 2400 nos. bg wooden sleeper size 9 ft x 10 inch x 5 inch at ssae/way/ishurdi sirajganj bazar rajshahi and joydebpurs office premises for regular maintenance of railway track under den/2/pakseys jurisdiction.
supply of 132.73 cum special wooden sleeper at ssae/way/ishurdis office premises for regular maintenance of railway track over hardinge bridge under den/2/pakshis jurisdiction.
supply fitting and fixing of 15 nos air conditioner under suprb project lged
construction of 7 seven nos 2 storied rcc wash block having 4 storied foundation for mt and boys and ft and girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing and electrical works at different primary school in under gps-1 project. fiscal year 2020-2021.
construction of 7 seven nos 2 storied rcc wash block having 4 storied foundation for mt and boys and ft and girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing and electrical works at different primary school in under gps-1 project. fiscal year 2020-2021.
jungle cutting and cleaning cleaning drains of engineering academy and residential area under engineering academy bpdb during the year 2020-2021.
at tl/ ctg- lighting of passenger coaches of 37 up/ 38 dn mymansingh express train 3 rake and related works
installation of 25 nos 100mm and 50 mm dia deep tube well with 1.5 hp capacity submersible pump at different primary school in six upazilla of under nbidnngps-1 project during the fiscal year 2020-2021.
supply installation and commissioning of digital photocopier with printer scanner and tonner
supplying pakur stone chipsauto bricks sand and other materials for departmental emergency repair and maintenance works for different roads under road division panchagarh during the year of 2020-2021