Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
supplying pakur stone chipsauto bricks sand and other materials for departmental emergency repair and maintenance works for different roads under road division panchagarh during the year of 2020-2021
sub-soil investigation works for 2nd korotoa bridge 7 nos bore hole over the korotoa river at 14thp km and 15thp km and topographical survey work at 1st km to 18th p km of vajanpur nijbary -atorkhary-maynagury-amtaly-mirgorh -panchagarh road under road division panchagarh during the year 2020 - 2021.
supply installation and other related electrical works of service cable for the electrical connection of extension part at dormitory bhaban 1 & 2 from 800 kva substation at financial management academy fima mirpur dhaka
supply installation and other related works of cctv at dormitory bhaban 1 & 2 at financial management academy fima mirpur
supply installation and other related works of wifi system at dormitory bhaban 1 & 2 at financial management academy fima mirpur
supply and fixing of lighting arrester at dormitory bhaban 1 & 2 at financial management academy fima mirpur dhaka
supply installation and other related electrical works for the illumination of the boundary with led street light garden light metal halide light fittings at roof at financial management academy fima mirpur
vertical extension of boundary wall at haripur grid substation under gmd east pgcb ltd.
construction of 10 nos 2 storied rcc wash block for mt and boys and ft and girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works under need based infrastructure development od newly nationalized government primary schools project at different upazilla in fy 2020-2021
construction of 10 nos 2 storied rcc wash block for mt and boys and ft and girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing and electrical works under need based infrastructure development od newly nationalized government primary schools project at different upazilla in fy 2020-2021