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121 Hiring of 1no. of diesel vehicle fitted with hydraulic ladder of 12Mtr working height for two years period in Zone XIII
TRN : 581044 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 33.58 Lacs | Agency Name : Corporation Of Chennai
Tender award for hiring of 1no. of diesel vehicle fitted with hydraulic ladder of 12mtr working height for two years period in zone xiii
122 Hiring of Manpower (Electrician Grade II) 10Persons for Electrical Works in Zone IX areas for a period of 3 months (90days) through private agency
123 Hiring of Manpower (Electrician Grade II) 10Persons for Electrical Works in Zone VIII areas for a period of 3 months (90days) through private agency
124 Hiring of Manpower (Electrician Grade II) 10Persons for Electrical Works in Zone VII areas for a period of 3 months (90days) through private agency
125 Hiring of Manpower (Electrician Grade II) 10Persons for Electrical Works in Zone VI areas for a period of 3 months (90days) through private agency
126 Hiring of Manpower (Electrician Grade II) 10Persons for Electrical Works in Zone V areas for a period of 3 months (90days) through private agency
127 Hiring of Manpower (Electrician Grade II) 10Persons for Electrical Works in Zone IV areas for a period of 3 months (90days) through private agency
128 Hiring of Manpower (Electrician Grade II) 10Persons for Electrical Works in Zone I areas for a period of 3months(90days) through private agency
129 Replacement of trailing cable, galvanized steel wire rope and maintenance work for the existing 2nos. of 20mtr highmast at MTH road Villivakkam and at Villivakkam burial ground in Div.94, Zone VIII
130 Supply and Erection of 20 Nos of 8 mtr Oct Street lamp Post with 150 165 W LED fittings and Replacement of 557 Mtrs of 4 X 16 sq mm cable at Asharkhana to OTA Side in Dn 159 Z 12 area GIM 2019

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