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161 Electrification work in Chennai Corporation schools in Div 38, 39, 43 in Zone 4
TRN : 517724 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 26.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Corporation Of Chennai
Tender award for electrification work in chennai corporation schools in div 38, 39, 43 in zone 4
162 Electrification work in Chennai Corporation schools in Div 18, 19, 21,35, 36, 37, 45,46 in Zones 2 and 4
TRN : 517725 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 29.33 Lacs | Agency Name : Corporation Of Chennai
Tender award for electrification work in chennai corporation schools in div 18, 19, 21,35, 36, 37, 45,46 in zones 2 and 4
163 Supply, fixing of 56 nos 10w to 20w , 119 nos of 15w and 61 nos of 70w to 100w flood light LED fittings complete set at Anna nagar Tower park in div 100, Zone VIII
164 Hiring of 13nos of diesel vehicle along with folding type vertical manual operated 7mtr height aluminium ladder for a period of 1year
165 Supply and Erection of 14 Nos of 6 mtr lamp post at Jayaram Street 22nd East Street Extn Kamraj Naagr Pillaiyar Koil Street Extn and 24th Cross Street Thiruvalluvar Nagar in Dn 181 and 182 in Zone 13 area

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