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151 Supply and erection of 30 nos of 3mtr lamp post and Supply & laying of 564 mt 2x10/2x25 Sqmm cable at Natesan nagar park in div 127 , Zone X
152 Supply and fixing of 10 nos of Timer Control unit and Replacement of Existing cables with new 504 mt 31/2x25 sqmm cable Various places in Dn 100,101 , Zone VIII:
153 Supply and fixing of 10 nos of Timer Control unit and Replacement of Existing cables with new 504 mt 31/2x25 sqmm cable Various places in Dn 100,101 , Zone VIII:
154 Supply and Erection 21 nos of Digital Timer Control Unit at Various locations in div 111,119,121, Zone IX
TRN : 528038 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 2.98 Lacs | Agency Name : Corporation Of Chennai
Tender award for supply and erection 21 nos of digital timer control unit at various locations in div 111,119,121, zone ix
155 Proposal for fixing 2040 nos LED f ittings and Removal of 2040 nos Sodium Vapour lamp fittings at Ram nagar , Ambattur , Mugappair & Banunagar sections in div 79-93, Zone VII
156 Rising of 51 nos of Kiosk pillar box at Various locations in div 79-85,91 Zone VII
TRN : 528040 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 4.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Corporation Of Chennai
Tender award for rising of 51 nos of kiosk pillar box at various locations in div 79-85,91 zone vii
157 Supply of 200 Kinder Garden School students Uniforms
TRN : 521533 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 41.55 Lacs | Agency Name : Corporation Of Chennai
Tender award for supply of 200 kinder garden school students uniforms
158 Electrification work in Chennai Corporation schools in Div 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63 in Zone 5
TRN : 517721 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 26.14 Lacs | Agency Name : Corporation Of Chennai
Tender award for electrification work in chennai corporation schools in div 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63 in zone 5
159 Electrification work in Chennai Corporation schools in Div 56 and 58 in Zone 5
TRN : 517722 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 24.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Corporation Of Chennai
Tender award for electrification work in chennai corporation schools in div 56 and 58 in zone 5
160 Electrification work in Chennai Corporation schools in Div 42, 47,48 Zone 4
TRN : 517723 |  Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value : 34.59 Lacs | Agency Name : Corporation Of Chennai
Tender award for electrification work in chennai corporation schools in div 42, 47,48 zone 4

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