415Renovation of toilet and kitchen of Police Station City Jhajjar, WPS Jhajjar, Beri, Salawas, Sadar Bahadurgarh, City Bahadurgarh, Line Par Bahadurgarh Badli, Assoda and Police Lines, Distt. Jhajjar
Jhajjar - Haryana
Contract Value :
47.64 Lacs |Agency Name :
Haryana Board Corporation
419Construction of 2 Nos. 66 KV Bays to accommodate LILO of 66 KV Double circuit Tepla (220 KV) – 12 cross Road, Ambala Cantt. (66 KV) line at 66 KV S/Stn. IOC Ambala Cantt
Ambala - Haryana
Contract Value :
20.82 Lacs |Agency Name :
Haryana Board Corporation