443Cleaning of moisture and insulation coating with Belzona polymeric compound material on 11 kV Bus Bar complete set of VCB Panels BHEL of 12.5/16 MVA Power T/F T-1 including labour charges and material complete in all respects.(With labour & material)
Yamuna Nagar - Haryana
Contract Value :
1.70 Lacs |Agency Name :
Haryana Board Corporation
448construction of Aug. of 66kv S/Stn. Sec-15, Jagadhari from 2x12.5/16 MVA 66/11kv to (2x12.5/16+ 1x10/12.5) MVA 66/11kv T/F-Construction of add. ODSG foundation, ODCT and allied equipments for T/F plinth T-3 with 02 no. anti fire wall at 66kv S/Stn. Sec-15, Jagadhari
Jagadhri - Haryana
Contract Value :
11.68 Lacs |Agency Name :
Haryana Board Corporation