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341Improvement Works and Construction of Retaining Wall Works including upkeeping in Cheyyar (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A) Providing of Retaining wall at km 2/0 & 3/4 of Thiruvathipuram Arni road (MD505) (01-CRIDP-19-20-M-1037)
B) Widening from Intermediate lane to Two lane and Improvements of Thiruvathipuram Arni road at km 3/4 - 6/0 including Retaining wall at km 5/10 (MD505) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-M-1028)
C) Widening from Intermediate lane to Two lane and Improvements of Thiruvathipuram Arni road at km 6/0 - 7/4 including retaining wall at km 6/2 (MD505) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-M-1029) D) Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Vembakkam - Vengalathur Road at km 0/0 - 1/0 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months
E) Improvements to Riding Quality at km 0/0 - 3/0 of Perungalathur - Pappanthangal Road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4022) F)Improvements to Riding Quality at km 4/0 - 7/8 of Pappanthngal - Sumangali Road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4021) G)Improvements to Riding Quality at km 0/0 - 1/0 of Pappanthngal - Sumangali Road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4020) H)Improvements to Riding Quality at km 0/0 - 2/4 of Perungattur - Sirungattur Road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4023) I)Improvements to Riding Quality at km 9/0 - 10/8 of Vembakkam - Bokkasamauthiram Road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4019) Package 111 Widening
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.44 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
342Widening, Improvement Works and Construction of Culvert Works including upkeeping in Arni (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A) Widening from Two lane to Three lane and Improvements of Kannamangalam - Arni road at km 3/0 - 4/0 (SH132) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job code: 01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0181)
B) Widening from Two lane to Three lane and Improvements of Kannamangalam - Arni road at km 4/0 - 5/0 (SH132) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job code: 01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0179)
C) Improvements of Arni Vandavasi road at km 4/0 - 5/2 (MD43) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job code: 01-CRIDP-19-20-M-1031)
D) Improvements to Riding Quality at km 0/0 - 1/6 of Arni Vandavasi road to Agaram Road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job code: 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4007) E) Improvements to Riding Quality at km 0/0 - 5/0 of Arcot - Villupuram road to Arni - Devikapuram road (via) Murugamangalam including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job code: 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4004) F) Reconstruction Culverts at km 2/6 of Arcot - Villupuram road to Arni - Devikapuram road (via) Murugamangalam (Job code: 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2116) G) Improvements to Riding Quality at km 5/0 - 8/6 of Arcot - Villupuram road to Arni - Devikapuram road (via) Murugamangalam (Using plastic waste) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job code: 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4015) H) Improvements to Riding Quality at km 4/8 - 6/8 of Karipoor Madura Perumattor Road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (Job code: 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4006)"
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.79 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
343Widening, Improvement and Strengthening Works including upkeeping in Vandavasi (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A) Improvements to Riding Quality at Km 48/4 - 49/8 of Cheyyur - Vandavasi - Polur Road (SH 115) including Upkeeping for a period of 60 months
B) Improvements to Riding Quality at Km 50/8 - 52/4 of Cheyyur - Vandavasi - Polur Road (SH 115) (excluding 90 meters at Km 52/2) including Upkeeping for a period of 60 months
C) Widening from Intermediate Lane to Two Lane and Improvements of Thellar - Mazhaiyur Road at Km 14/2 - 15/278 including Extra length of 78 meters at Km 15/2 (MD 710) Including Upkeeping for a period of 60 months D) Widening from Single Lane to Two Lane and Improvements of Sadathangal Road at Km 9/0 - 11/0 Including Upkeeping for a period of 60 months
E) Widening from Single Lane to Two Lane and Improvements of Sadathangal Road at Km 11/0 - 12/4 Including Upkeeping for a period of 60 months"
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.50 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
344Improvement Works, Construction of Culvert and Retaining Wall works in Polur (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A) Improvements to Riding surface at Km 0/0-4/0 of Navapalayam Iyyapa Nagar Road including Upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3984)
B) Improvements to Riding surface at Km 0/0-4/2 of Kesavapuram Ramanathapuram road including Upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3985)
C) Improvements to Riding surface at Km 1/2-7/0 of Melpadur-Mazhar Road including Upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3986)
D) Improvements to Riding surface at Km 0/0-2/0 Vaividathangal -Pudupalayam road including Upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3987)
E) Improvements to Riding surface at Km 1/8-3/0 Kappalur -Kangeyanoor Road (via) Solankuppam including Upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3991)
F) Construction of Retaining wall at Km 37/2, 38/2, 39/4, 39/10, 41/4, 41/10, 45/8, 46/2 of Polur-Jamunamarathur-Alangayam-Vaniyambadi Road (01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0175)
G) Construction of Retaining wall at Km 46/10, 47/0-4, 47/8, 48/0-4, 50/8 of Polur-Jamunamarathur-Alangayam-Vaniyambadi Road (01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0176)
H) Construction of Retaining wall at Km 2/2, 3/8 - 3/10 of Kalasapakkam Melarni road (01-CRIDP-19-20-M-1021)
I) Reconstruction of Culvert at Km 0/8(i)(ii), 1/6, 1/8 of Vaividanthangal Pudupalayam union limit road (01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2075)
J) Reconstruction of Culvert at Km 0/4, 0/6 (i)(ii), 0/8, 1/2, 1/6, 2/4, 2/8, 2/10, 3/2, 3/4, 3/6, 3/8 of Navapalayam Iyyappanagar road (01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2076)
K) Reconstruction of Culvert at Km 2/4, 2/8, 4/6, 5/6, 6/8 of Melpadur Mazhar road (01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2078).
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
6.65 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
345Widening, Strengthening, Improvements, Construction of Culvert, Drain and Retaining Wall works in Polur (H) C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction
A) Widening from Single Lane to Intermediate Lane and Strengthening in Siruvallur Arunagirimangalam road Km 0/0 - 2/8 including Reconstruction of Culvert at Km 0/4, 0/8 including Upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2051)
B) Improvenments to Riding surface at Km 0/0-1/2 Mattapiraiyur -Padagam Road to Alangaramangalam Road including Upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3988)
C) Improvements to Riding surface at Km 0/0-3/8 Mattavettu-Kilkuppam including Upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3989)
D) Improvements to Riding surface at Km 0/0-2/4 Kilpalur – Mattavettu Road including Upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-3990)
E) Construction of Retaining wall at Km 0/4 - 1/0 of Siruvallur Arunagirimangalam Road (01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2096)
F) Construction of Retaining wall at Km 31/8, 32/2-32/10, 34/2, 34/10 of Polur-Jamunamarathur-Alangayam-Vaniyambadi Road (01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0173)
G) Construction of Retaining wall at Km 35/6-35/10, 36/2-36/10 of Polur-Jamunamarathur-Alangayam-Vaniyambadi Road (01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0174)
H) Construction of Drain at Km 21/4-21/6 of Polur – Chengam Road (01-CRIDP-19-20-S-0172)"
Chennai - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
6.44 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
346Improvements and Improvements to Riding Quality, Reconstruction of Culverts including up keeping for a period of 60 months in Govt. Roads in respect of Thirumayam (H), C&M Subdivision.
Road A, 01-CRIDP-19-20-M-1223, Improvements of Ponnamaravathy - Venthanpatti - Thirukalambur road at km 0/0 - 2/4 including Reconstruction of culvert at Km 0/6 (MD1196) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months
Road B, 01-CRIDP-19-20-M-1224, Improvements of Ponnamaravathy - Venthanpatti - Thirukalambur road at km 2/4 - 4/8 including Reconstruction of culvert at km 3/4 (MD1196) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months
Road C, 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2352, Improvements of Varpet - Urathupatti road at km 0/0 - 2/0 including Reconstruction of culvert at km 0/2 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months
Road D, 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4366, Improvements to Riding Quality at km 2/0 - 4/0 and 6/0 - 7/6 of Virachilai road to Panayapatti rangiyum road via neikonam, Kannanur HC road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months
Road E, 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4362, Improvements to Riding Quality at km 0/0 - 2/0 and 5/0 - 6/0 of Alavayal - Maravamadurai road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months
Road F, 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4365, Improvements to Riding Quality at km 0/0 - 3/04 of Km 1/8 of Ponnamaravathy - Ulagampatti road to Aranipatti, Anjukulipatti rod including upkeeping for a period of 60 months
Trichy - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.85 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
347Upgradation of Panchayat Union Roads / Panchayat Roads in Dindigul (H) NABARD and Rural Roads Sub Division
1. Upgradation of Thalaiyuthu to Manoor road Km 0/0-5/3 - Road A
2. Upgradation of Boduvarpatti to Kongapatty road Km 0/0-2/8 - Road B
Dindigul - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
6.32 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
348Special Repairs to Government Highways Roads in Kothagiri (H), C&M Sub Division Jurisdiction – Package No. 81
A) Special Repairs to Km 24/4-24/6, 26/6-26/8 and 28/4-29/0 of Ooty Kotagiri Mettupalayam Sathi Gobi Erode road
B) Special Repairs to Km 2/0-2/6 of Kengarai Road
Coimbatore - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
56.31 Lacs |Agency Name :
Highway Department
349Improvements to Riding Quality to Government Roads including CD works and Reconstruction of Box culvert, and up keeping the roads for a period of 60 months in Uthangarai (H) C&M Sub Division (Package 77)
The Following works are involved in this package
1. Improvements of Mathur-sanipatty road at Km 0/0-3/0 including CD works including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-P-3686)
2. Improvementsof Mathur-sanipatty road at Km 3/0-5/6 including CD works including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-P-3687)
3. Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Strengthening of Pochampalli - Athiganoor road at Km 0/0-1/0 including CD works including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2733)
4. Reconstruction of Box Culvert at Km 1/6 & 1/10 of Thippampatty cross road to Vellavalli road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2756)
5. Reconstruction of Box Culvert at Km 0/2, 0/6, 1/4(i) & (ii), 2/8 & 2/10 of Jandamedu-Puliyur road to Murukkampatty including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2752)
6. Reconstruction of Box Culvert at Km 0/2 of Mathur-Kullampatty Road (01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2753)
7. Improvements of DTV road to Pochampalli-Athiganoor Road Athiganoor Road (via) Gundupatty, Sundagapatty at Km 0/0-1/0 including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2747)
8. Reconstruction of Box culvert at Km 1/10 & 2/2 of DTV road to Pochampalli-Athiganoor road via Gundupatty, Sundagapatty (01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2755)
9. Improvements to Riding Quality at Km 1/0-3/6 of DTV road to Pochampalli-Athiganoor Road (via) Gundupatty, Sundagapatty including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4654)
10. Improvements to Riding Quality at Km 0/0-3/0 of Jandamedu-Puliyur road to Murukkampatty including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4652) 11.Improvements to Riding Quality at Km 0/0-3/0 of Mathur-Kullampatty road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4653) 12.Improvements to Riding Quality at Km 0/0-2/0 and 3/2-5/2 of Thippampatty cross road to Vellavalli road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months (01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4662)"
Salem - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
6.84 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department
350Widening, Improvements, Improvements to Riding Quality to Government Roads including Reconstruction and Widening of Culvert and up keeping the roads for a period of 60 months in Palacode (H) C&M Sub Division (Package 57)
The Following works are involved in this package
1.Widening from Intermediate lane to Two lane and Improvements of Morappur - Marandahalli road at km 46/4 - 48/4 (MD 271) including upkeeping for a period of 60 months. (Job Code : 01-CRIDP-19-20-M-1363)
2.Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Begarahalli road to National Highways -7 at joining at KM121/6 at km13/4 - 16/4 (including extra length 130m) including up keeping for a period of 60 months. (Job Code : 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2693)
3.Widening from Single lane to Intermediate lane and Improvements of Begarahalli road to National Highways -7 at joining at KM 121/6 at km 9/700 - 11/6 and 12/6 - 13/4 and including Reconstruction of culvert at KM 11/6 and widening of culvert at KM 10/10 including up keeping for a period of 60 months. (Job Code : 01-CRIDP-19-20-O-2694)
4.Improvements to Riding Quality at km 0/8 - 3/0, 3/4 - 3/6, 3/8 - 4/4 and 4/8 - 6/0 of Somanahalli - Papparapatti road including upkeeping for a period of 60 months. (Job Code : 01-CRIDP-19-20-I-4629)
Salem - Tamil Nadu
Contract Value :
5.64 Crore |Agency Name :
Highway Department