You have searched for kalimpong-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

151 Emergent restoration of damages of protection work at Keshari Jhora
TRN : 549006 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 30.71 Lacs | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for emergent restoration of damages of protection work at keshari jhora
152 Emergent restoration of road bench along the road from Relli to Deorali
TRN : 549007 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 14.26 Lacs | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for emergent restoration of road bench along the road from relli to deorali
153 Construction of school Building at Nassey Tribal Primary School, Nassey Bu
TRN : 549008 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 16.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for construction of school building at nassey tribal primary school, nassey bu
154 Construction of Community Hall at Sonathong Gaon, Lolay GP
TRN : 549009 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 32.22 Lacs | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for construction of community hall at sonathong gaon, lolay gp
155 Construction of RC wall at Basant Ghisingh House
TRN : 549010 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 12.89 Lacs | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for construction of rc wall at basant ghisingh house
156 Balance work of " Construction of Eight Nos Cottages at Kalimpong Circuit House, Kalimpong, PWD" for "Construction of Four Nos of SINGLE UNIT COTTAGES ( Cottage B & D) at Kalimpong
157 Construction of Model 20 Passengers shelter at Chainage 4.60 kmp (Near Delo fatak) of Alternative Road under Kalimpong Division PWD in the District of Kalimpong
158 Construction of Model 20 Passengers shelter at Chitray of Lower Rishi Road under Kalimpong Division PWD in the District of Kalimpong
159 Construction of DWS scheme from Naxal Khola to 45 Block, Gorubathan
TRN : 523217 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 7.76 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of dws scheme from naxal khola to 45 block, gorubathan
160 Construction of DWS Scheme from Lampatay Khola to Lower 46, Gorubathan
TRN : 523218 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 7.76 Lacs | Agency Name : District Magistrate
Tender award for construction of dws scheme from lampatay khola to lower 46, gorubathan

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