You have searched for kalimpong-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

181 Up gradation of road from Health Centre to Amaley under 35th Constituency
TRN : 549023 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.13 Crore | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for up gradation of road from health centre to amaley under 35th constituency
182 Construction of 3 storied Building of Loley Sampu High School Loley Kalimpong
TRN : 549024 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.55 Crore | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for construction of 3 storied building of loley sampu high school loley kalimpong
183 Special repair and carpeting of Tanek Road from Rai Bazar Fatak to MLA Gaon
TRN : 549025 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 70.83 Lacs | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for special repair and carpeting of tanek road from rai bazar fatak to mla gaon
184 Construction of Proposed R.C.C Community Hall & Cultural Centre at Kagie Choling Gumpa At Dokyong,Topkhana Area Pedong,Kalimpong-ii Dev. Block Algarah ,P.S Kalimpong Dist Kalimpong
185 Construction of Model 20 Passengers shelter at Chainage 10.10 kmp (7th Mile) of Lower Rishi Road under Kalimpong Division PWD in the District of Kalimpong
186 Construction of Model 20 Passengers shelter at Chainage 3.30 kmp of Lower Rishi Road under Kalimpong Division PWD in the District of Kalimpong
187 Improvement of Internal Road from Administrative Building to Hospital at Premises of Dr. Graham's Homes, Kalimpong during the year 2018-19
188 Renovation and upgradation of electrical installation at Boosting Pump House for pumping water from Relei river to 4th Mile, Pakthang Main Line in the dist of Kalimpong.
189 Renovation and upgradation of electrical installation at Intake Pump House for pumping water from Relei river to boosting pump house in the dist of Kalimpong.
190 Proposed construction of Division office of the PWD at Kalimpong in the district of Kalimpong-----Civil & electrical works combined

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