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211 Repair and maintenance of Samthar PHC at Samthar under 42nd Constituency Block I Building 1 to 4 Repair works
TRN : 549046 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 34.68 Lacs | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for repair and maintenance of samthar phc at samthar under 42nd constituency block i building 1 to 4 repair works
212 Repair of culvert of Dr. B.L. Dixit Road under 35th Constituency
TRN : 549047 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 12.23 Lacs | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for repair of culvert of dr. b.l. dixit road under 35th constituency
213 Construction of jeepable road from PMGSY Munshi Dhura to Children Park at Sangseer
TRN : 562650 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 18.36 Lacs | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for construction of jeepable road from pmgsy munshi dhura to children park at sangseer
214 Repair and maintenance of alternative approach road to Deolo Guest House via PHE Filter House
TRN : 562651 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 58.39 Lacs | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for repair and maintenance of alternative approach road to deolo guest house via phe filter house
215 Repair and maintenance of approach road to Deolo Guest House via JorePokhri
TRN : 562652 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 67.97 Lacs | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for repair and maintenance of approach road to deolo guest house via jorepokhri
216 Up gradation and widening of road from Nok Dara to Shankey gaon upto soling stage including 2 Nos. of culverts under 41st Constituency
TRN : 562646 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 97.11 Lacs | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for up gradation and widening of road from nok dara to shankey gaon upto soling stage including 2 nos. of culverts under 41st constituency
217 Surface restoration of road from Upper Cart Road to near Garden Reach Hotel State Highway 9th Mile via residence of the Superintendent of Police Kalimpong
218 Special repair and maintenance of approach road to the office of the Superintendent of Police under 33rd Constituency Kalimpong
TRN : 562648 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 24.27 Lacs | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for special repair and maintenance of approach road to the office of the superintendent of police under 33rd constituency kalimpong
219 Up gradation of Sombarey Dara road Kumai under 44th Constituency
TRN : 562649 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 41.77 Lacs | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for up gradation of sombarey dara road kumai under 44th constituency
220 Construction of Seed Farm Primary School, Dungra, Kalimpong
TRN : 562638 |  Kalimpong - West Bengal
Contract Value : 18.73 Lacs | Agency Name : Gorkhaland Territorial Administration
Tender award for construction of seed farm primary school, dungra, kalimpong

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