You have searched for mohali-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

311 Providing and improved access to water through household connections in existing water supply scheme Tangori, Block Kharar, Distt. SAS Nagar {Under PRWSSIP Sub-component 2a (i)}
312 DNIT for Providing and laying interlocking Tiles at NGM Derabassi M C Dera bassi Distt. SAS Nagar Work Code No SAS Nagar 2019 24
313 Repair and disilting of road gully chambers and repairing of joints of various sizes of storm drainage RCC pipes on 300 feet wide Airport Road Airport to Airport Chowk S.A.S.Nagar
314 Sanitation work of Major roads in the purview of GMADA at S.A.S.Nagar.
TRN : 741724 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.36 Crore | Agency Name : Greater Mohali Area Development Authority
Tender award for sanitation work of major roads in the purview of gmada at s.a.s.nagar.
315 Providing and improved access to water through household connections in existing water supply scheme Swara (1 No ), Block Kharar, Distt. SAS Nagar {Under PRWSSIP Sub-component 2a (i)}
316 Providing and improved access to water through household connections in existing water supply scheme Doarli (1 No ), Block Kharar, Distt. SAS Nagar {Under PRWSSIP Sub-component 2a (i)}
317 Providing and improved access to water through household connections in existing water supply scheme Sitarpur, Block Derabassi, Distt. SAS Nagar {Under PRWSSIP Sub-component 2a (i)}
318 Providing and improved access to water through household connections in existing water supply scheme Sakrullanpur (2 No villages), Block Kharar, Distt. SAS Nagar {Under PRWSSIP Sub-component 2a (i)}
319 Providing and improved access to water through household connections in existing water supply scheme Majatri (2 No Villages), Block Kharar, Distt. SAS Nagar {Under PRWSSIP Sub-component 2a (i)}
320 Providing and improved access to water through household connections in existing water supply scheme Bathlana (2 No villages), Block Kharar, Distt. SAS Nagar {Under PRWSSIP Sub-component 2a (i)}

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