You have searched for mohali-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

341 Purchase of HDPE Drums on Rate contract Basis
TRN : 738875 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 8.38 Lacs | Agency Name : Markfed
Tender award for purchase of hdpe drums on rate contract basis
342 Purchase of Pet Bottles on Rate contract Basis
TRN : 738876 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 16.79 Lacs | Agency Name : Markfed
Tender award for purchase of pet bottles on rate contract basis
343 Auction Sale of Green DD and CMT Trees
TRN : 737805 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 71.83 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab State Forest Development Corporation Limited
Tender award for auction sale of green dd and cmt trees
344 R/C estimate for Providing and fixing of Informatory signage board in different area of City Mohali.
TRN : 736710 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.75 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for r/c estimate for providing and fixing of informatory signage board in different area of city mohali.
345 Providing, supply, planting and fixing of tree guard of permanent tree of different species and maintenance of tree for two year on various roads in S.A.S Nagar
346 Development of park between 1419-1425, 1457, 1440-1453 and 1450 phase-11 ward no 33
TRN : 736711 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 14.99 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Council
Tender award for development of park between 1419-1425, 1457, 1440-1453 and 1450 phase-11 ward no 33
347 Rough cost estimate for laying of 25 mm SDBC on road in front house no 788 and 16 marla Pocket in ward no 19 phase- 7
348 Rough cost estimate for construction of link road in market block opp. Chawla nursing home and widening of scotter market in ward no 18 phase -7
349 Rough cost estimate for providing/laying of 25 mm SDBC on cama hotel parking in phase 3 A, ward no 14
TRN : 736717 |  Mohali - Punjab
Contract Value : 6.54 Lacs | Agency Name : Municipal Corporation
Tender award for rough cost estimate for providing/laying of 25 mm sdbc on cama hotel parking in phase 3 a, ward no 14
350 R/C estimate for annual maintenance of CCTV camera system for 3 years installed in MC Bhawan Sector 68 And MC Mataur industrial area phase-1 Mohali.

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