You have searched for nadia-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

651 Construction of a Culvert over Bahnir Beel on the road from Majhergram PBF Brick Field to Basudebpur Primary School within Nakasipara block in the District of Nadia.
652 Renovation of Hostel building under Health and Family Welfare Training Centre Kalyani Dist Nadia
TRN : 590574 |  Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 13.57 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Health Engineering Department
Tender award for renovation of hostel building under health and family welfare training centre kalyani dist nadia
653 Improvement of road from Baidyapur II G.P towards Baidyapur I G.P. under Ranaghat II Block
TRN : 586919 |  Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for improvement of road from baidyapur ii g.p towards baidyapur i g.p. under ranaghat ii block
654 Gobindapur Bypass to Mukundapur Road via Baganchara, Bhaluka Road from 5.50 km to 19.90 km, Strengthening under Nadia Highway Division II in the district of Nadia
655 Repair and renovation to the office of the Assistant Director of Agriculture (Administration) soil Survey, during the year 2018 - 19
656 Improvement of road from the house of Santi Sarkar Madhupur Maldapara towards Madhupur Primary School at Majhergram G.P. within Ranaghat II Block
657 Improvement of road from the house of Sujit Mondal towards Jatin Das house at Petua within Bahirgachi GP under Ranaghat II Block
658 Roof Treatment work by laying of APP Membrane at D & E Type Staff Quarter of COMJNM. Hospital, during the year - 2018 - 19
659 Improvement of road from the house of Jilani Mallick towards Lal Kua at Radhakantapur within Panighata GP under Kaliganj Block
660 Improvement of road from Muragachha Bridge towards Sadhanpara within Sadhanpara I GP under Krishnagar II Block

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