You have searched for nadia-west-bengal- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

661 Improvement of road starting from Bhadreswar Sankra s house towards Panchanantala culvert within Baganchra GP under Santipur Block
662 Improvement of road starting from the house of Khaju Sk towards Kabarsthan within Haripur GP under Santipur Block
663 Construction of a Culvert at Bangchara Bus Stand near Bagh Devi Temple in front of Mantu Bagh House within Bangchara G.P. under Santipur block
664 Construction of Culvert beside the h/o chabdul Sk. At Gaharapota under Debagram Gram Panchayat
TRN : 589982 |  Nadia - West Bengal
Contract Value : 6.25 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for construction of culvert beside the h/o chabdul sk. at gaharapota under debagram gram panchayat
665 Construction of 5 (five) nos. residential quarters for judicial officers in the vacant land of Bicharak Abas at Krishnagar,Nadia under Nadia Construction Division,P.W.D.,During the year 2015-2016-Plinth protection, Surface drain, Approach road, Roof treatment, Etc. works for 5 (five) nos. residential quarters for judicial officers in the vacant land of Bicharak Abas, under during the year 2018-2019 (Civil & Electrical Works)
666 Renovation work in Haringhata Librery behind Haringhata Municipality under Haringhata Panchayat Samity , Haringhata.
667 Birnagar Aranghata Road from 7.14 km to 7.70 km emergent surfacing work of Ranaghat Highway Sub-Division under Nadia Highway Division No.-II of P.W.(Roads) Directorate during the year 2018-19.
668 Construction of Concrete Drain from h/o Alihim Sk. to Shop of Abol Halsana at Dingel under Debagram Gram Panchayet
669 Ranaghat Aranghat (New) Road from 3.00 km. to 3.70 km thorough surfacing work of Quality Control Sub-Division No.-1 under Nadia Highway Division No.-II of P.W.(Roads) Directorate during the year 2018-19.
670 Construction of Concrete Drain from h/o Alihim Sk. to Shop of Abol Halsana at Dingel under Debagram Gram Panchayet

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