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301 Annual M and R of internal Water Supply and Sanitation Works in Type I II New and Old III IV V G Type quarters Project Hospital Temp Colony of ATP Anpara
TRN : 772118 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 10.31 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited
Tender award for annual m and r of internal water supply and sanitation works in type i ii new and old iii iv v g type quarters project hospital temp colony of atp anpara
302 Cleaning and removal of silt from coal yard No 2 to CHP receiving pit, main entry haul road drain and west sump including CHP,coal workshop, nallah,siltation area etc at Khadia Project
303 Providing and placing wire net cages filled with OB boulder,OB/silt filled bags,supply and laying hume pipe at different location in mine area,3 Nos structural steel shed and supply of stone metal at Khadia Project.
304 Cleaning and removal of silt/earth from nallah/siltation area of mine towards OB time office along railway line up to double barrel culvert and NTPC boundary wall at Khadia Project
305 Repairing servicing and maintenance of air conditioners , water coolers and refrigerators as and when required for one year at Bina Project ( Including ACs of Electrical HEMMs)
306 Hiring of 04 Nos Light Vehicles plying mostly inside mines (Covered diesel jeep/equivalent or higher model) for 12 hrs per day for 730 days with UP and MP taxi permit and registered in UP only at Krishnashila project.
307 Break down maintenance of ash disposal pipe line, Removal of chocking of Ash disposal pipe line and Up-keeping of main cross over trench, area near by trench & pulia drain sump (- 4) Mtr. inside ASPH, main sump of ASPH, Ash disposal pipe line etc. up to plant boundary of 3X210 MW ATPS Anpara.
308 Repairing of Pump Bowl, Suction Bowl, Discharge Bowl of Ash water LP/HP Pumps, Make: Bombas Itur Spain, of 2x500 M.W., B'TPS, Anpara
TRN : 771063 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 6.05 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited
Tender award for repairing of pump bowl, suction bowl, discharge bowl of ash water lp/hp pumps, make: bombas itur spain, of 2x500 m.w., b'tps, anpara
309 Annual contract for Routine cleaning work of areas under the scope of work of E&MCD-9 & OEED of 2x500 MW, DTPP Anpara as per scope of work.
TRN : 771545 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 3.72 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited
Tender award for annual contract for routine cleaning work of areas under the scope of work of e&mcd-9 & oeed of 2x500 mw, dtpp anpara as per scope of work.
310 Routine preventive/Break down maintenance of ESP Bottom Ash Evacuation System & general upkeep of dry fly extraction plant (including its silo area) and Fabrication & erection of bellow type expansion joints of flushing apparatus of ESP, Air pre heater & flue gas duct hoppers of ESP bottom ash evacuation system of Unit No. 4 & 5 of 2X500 M.W. BTPS, Anpara.

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