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321 Providing protection work with gabion boxes and PVC OB filled bags on both sides of haul road, for intermediate sump and for main sump at central entry of Dudhichua Project
322 Cleaning of Kutcha drain, culvert, gabion work and PVC sand bags near toe of external OB dump along railway track towards Khadia Project at Dudhichua Project
323 Upkeeping of Fire Trenches in 2x500 MW, DTPS, Anpara and by means of removal and disposal of garbage/Sludge/Ash/Coal Etc to suitable place for one year
TRN : 772082 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.36 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited
Tender award for upkeeping of fire trenches in 2x500 mw, dtps, anpara and by means of removal and disposal of garbage/sludge/ash/coal etc to suitable place for one year
324 Preventive / Breakdown maintenance work of different C and I equipments / systems
TRN : 769804 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 6.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited
Tender award for preventive / breakdown maintenance work of different c and i equipments / systems
325 Hiring of 03 no. 26 seater bus for transportation of workmen from time office to north and south sections with UP permit on 24 hrs basis per day for a period of 730 days at Bina Project
326 Providing and placing wire net cages filled with OB boulders/silt filled PVC bags and supplying and laying hume pipe at different location, two umber steel shed and supply of stone metal at Khadia Project.
327 Repairs of Long Angle and Short Angle suction strainer baskets of BFP, suction line strainer of Raw Water line, MOT strainer and CEP strainer of 3x210MW, ATPS, Anpara
TRN : 768839 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 2.80 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited
Tender award for repairs of long angle and short angle suction strainer baskets of bfp, suction line strainer of raw water line, mot strainer and cep strainer of 3x210mw, atps, anpara
328 Spray insulation on turbine cylinders and critical valve and thermal insulation on pipe lines, valves, re-generative equipments etc. along with supply of material during overhauling of Unit #3 of 3x210MW, ‘A’TPS, Anpara.
329 Repairs of Long Angle and Short Angle suction strainer baskets of BFP, suction line strainer of Raw Water line, MOT strainer and CEP strainer of Unit 3 of 3x210MW, ATPS, Anpara
330 Overhauling of medium pressure pumps, Unit drain tank, Unit Flash Tanks hot well cleaning, overhauling of working oil and lub oil coolers of BFPs of unit no. 3,3x210MW of ATPS, Anpara

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