You have searched for sonebhadra-uttar-pradesh- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

311 Cleaning of ash/clinker affected area/equipment to take out by pass sand/silica/ foreign material etc. and their disposal of all the three units of 3X210 MW ‘A’TPS, Anpara.
312 Repairing of Cast Basalt lined MS Pipe Branch and Bends of Ash Slurry Pump House / ash slurry pipe lines of 2X500 M.W., ‘B’TPS, Anpara, Sonebhadra.
TRN : 771075 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 4.20 Lacs | Agency Name : Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited
Tender award for repairing of cast basalt lined ms pipe branch and bends of ash slurry pump house / ash slurry pipe lines of 2x500 m.w., ‘b’tps, anpara, sonebhadra.
313 Repairing of Throat Bush Liners/Frame Plate Liners of M/s Warman, U.K. make Ash slurry Pumps (Model : FFAH 12/10) and 450 mm Nb Audco make Taper Plug Valves of Unit # 4 & 5 of 2x500 M.W., 'B' TPS, Anpara.
314 Cleaning of pucca drain, RCC box culverts in CHP premises and providing and laying hume pipes at different places in mine at Dudhichua Project
315 Procurement of Screw Compressor for REL 750E Drill working at Bina Project
TRN : 771130 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 29.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for procurement of screw compressor for rel 750e drill working at bina project
316 Cleaning of slush/silt in and around wharf wall area during monsoon at Dudhichua Project
TRN : 771131 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 11.85 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for cleaning of slush/silt in and around wharf wall area during monsoon at dudhichua project
317 Removal and cleaning of Nallah/drain for nearby villages i.e Chilkatand, ,Rajaparaswar,Khadia Village etc at Khadia Project.
TRN : 771132 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 35.63 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for removal and cleaning of nallah/drain for nearby villages i.e chilkatand, ,rajaparaswar,khadia village etc at khadia project.
318 Providing profile sheet curtain along boundary wall for protection from dust in coal workshop at Khadia Project.
TRN : 771138 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 18.44 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for providing profile sheet curtain along boundary wall for protection from dust in coal workshop at khadia project.
319 Resurfacing of Road from Blasting Office to Site Workshop at Jhingurda Project.
TRN : 771152 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 33.01 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for resurfacing of road from blasting office to site workshop at jhingurda project.
320 Cleaning of drain along haul road from workshop junction to Turra main sump in central entry at Dudhichua Project
TRN : 770509 |  Sonebhadra - Uttar Pradesh
Contract Value : 19.45 Lacs | Agency Name : Northern Coalfields Limited
Tender award for cleaning of drain along haul road from workshop junction to turra main sump in central entry at dudhichua project

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