You have searched for taran-taran-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

1 Periodicl Repair of Khalchian Mianwind Nagoke Road in District Tarn Taran (RD. 11.200 to 12.62 Km. = 1.42 Km.) Including Maintenance of Road for 3 year (One year Defects Liability period + Two year Maintenance Period)
2 Providing improved access to water through household connection in existing Water supply Scheme kuriwalah, Block Khadoor Sahib, Distt. Tarn Taran. Under Sub Component 2a (i) of Punjab Rural Water & Sanitation Sector Improvement Project. PRWSS-W-DIV-84-7662-1 Providing House Connection for existing pipe line & new Pipe Line Prov.& Laying jointing, testing uPVC pipe, specials for distribution system, Dismantling of brick on edge, Sluice valve, Sluice valve Chamber, Installation of sign board & Development of water works etc. complete in all respect.
3 Providing improved access to water through household connection in existing W/s Scheme Dhota, Block Khadoor Sahib, Distt. Tarn Taran. Under Sub Component 2a (i) of Punjab Rural Water & Sanitation Sector Improvement Project. DWSS-W-DIV84-7498-1 Providing House Connection for existing pipe line & new Pipe Line Prov.& Laying jointing, testing uPVC pipe, specials for distribution system, Dismantling of brick on edge, Sluice valve, Sluice valve Chamber, Installation of sign board, Prov. & installing machinery & Development of water works etc. complete in all respect.
4 Widening of existing bridge 3 span 7.22 m (skew) each clear over Khalchian drain x-ing Jandiala Verowal to Ghasitpur link road at RD 2000 M near village Mallah in District Tarn Taran.
5 Surfacing of Khadoor Sahib verowal road in Distt. Tarn Taran
TRN : 834626 |  Taran Taran - Punjab
Contract Value : 81.65 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for surfacing of khadoor sahib verowal road in distt. tarn taran
6 Electrical work of Buffaloes shed for 100 animals at RRTC Booh Tarn Taran
TRN : 807715 |  Taran Taran - Punjab
Contract Value : 12.25 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Animal Husbandry
Tender award for electrical work of buffaloes shed for 100 animals at rrtc booh tarn taran
7 Electrical work for Office Building at RRTC Booh Tarn Taran
TRN : 807716 |  Taran Taran - Punjab
Contract Value : 22.75 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Animal Husbandry
Tender award for electrical work for office building at rrtc booh tarn taran
8 Special Repair of Market Committee Office Building Tarn Taran Distt. Tarn Taran.
TRN : 778754 |  Taran Taran - Punjab
Contract Value : 13.07 Lacs | Agency Name : Department Of Agriculture
Tender award for special repair of market committee office building tarn taran distt. tarn taran.
9 Water Supply Scheme Kuttiwala (OH/FC), Augmentation , Block Patti, Distt. Tarn Taran. Under PRWSSIP . 1-A(III)
TRN : 752238 |  Taran Taran - Punjab
Contract Value : 37.87 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Supply And Sanitation Department
Tender award for water supply scheme kuttiwala (oh/fc), augmentation , block patti, distt. tarn taran. under prwssip . 1-a(iii)
10 Water Supply Scheme Padhri Khurd (OH/FC), Augmentation Block Tarn Taran, Distt. Tarn Taran. Under PRWSSIP . 1-A(III)
TRN : 752263 |  Taran Taran - Punjab
Contract Value : 32.22 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Supply And Sanitation Department
Tender award for water supply scheme padhri khurd (oh/fc), augmentation block tarn taran, distt. tarn taran. under prwssip . 1-a(iii)

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