You have searched for taran-taran-punjab- in Awarded Tender Result. Click on any tender to view further details.

11 Construction of Play Ground at Village Sangatpura Block Chohla Sahib Distt. Tarn Taran
TRN : 741699 |  Taran Taran - Punjab
Contract Value : 28.90 Lacs | Agency Name : Rural Development And Panchayats Department
Tender award for construction of play ground at village sangatpura block chohla sahib distt. tarn taran
12 Water Supply Scheme Jhander (MH/PC), Bifurcated from Existing W/S Scheme Rasulpur, Block Naushera Pannuan, Distt. Tarn Taran. Under Nabard-XXIII.
TRN : 752259 |  Taran Taran - Punjab
Contract Value : 39.70 Lacs | Agency Name : Water Supply And Sanitation Department
Tender award for water supply scheme jhander (mh/pc), bifurcated from existing w/s scheme rasulpur, block naushera pannuan, distt. tarn taran. under nabard-xxiii.
13 Const. of Rural Hatts at Village Chohla Sahib Block Chohla Sahib Distt. Tarn Taran
TRN : 736248 |  Taran Taran - Punjab
Contract Value : 17.40 Lacs | Agency Name : Panchayat Raj Engineering Department
Tender award for const. of rural hatts at village chohla sahib block chohla sahib distt. tarn taran
14 Construction of Farmer Training Center at Village chohla Sahib Block Chohla Sahib Distt. Tarn Taran
TRN : 736253 |  Taran Taran - Punjab
Contract Value : 12.62 Lacs | Agency Name : Panchayat Raj Engineering Department
Tender award for construction of farmer training center at village chohla sahib block chohla sahib distt. tarn taran
15 Providing improved access to water through household connection in existing W/s Scheme Khara, Block Naushera Pannuan, Distt. Tarn Taran. Under PRWSSIP Sub Component 2a (i) DWSS-W-DIV09-7455-1
16 Construction of Buffaloes shed for 100 animals at RRTC Booh Tarn Taran
TRN : 725792 |  Taran Taran - Punjab
Contract Value : 2.16 Crore | Agency Name : Guru Angud Dev Veterinary And Animal Sciecne University
Tender award for construction of buffaloes shed for 100 animals at rrtc booh tarn taran
17 Construction of Office Building at RRTC Booh
TRN : 725794 |  Taran Taran - Punjab
Contract Value : 1.46 Crore | Agency Name : Guru Angud Dev Veterinary And Animal Sciecne University
Tender award for construction of office building at rrtc booh
18 Providing improved access to water through household connection in existing W/s Scheme Pandori Ran Singh Block Tarn Taran, Distt. Tarn Taran. Under Sub Component 2a (i) of PRWSSIP (DWSS-W-DIV09-7286-1)
19 Construction of various civil works as per detailed items of DNIT at Multipurpose Indoor Hall at Civil Lines, Tarn Taran (Punjab)
20 Providing, Installation and commissioning of Gym Equipment at Multipurpose Indoor Hall at Civil Lines
TRN : 708253 |  Taran Taran - Punjab
Contract Value : 18.28 Lacs | Agency Name : Punjab State Sports Council
Tender award for providing, installation and commissioning of gym equipment at multipurpose indoor hall at civil lines

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