45Prov of 20 Mtr High Mast And SL with LED Fittings in NGM Renovation of Street Lighting in Residence Colony NGM Khadoor Sahib SR Renovation of YL and SL in SY Goindwal Sahib and TL System in various SY PC at MC Khadoor
Taran Taran - Punjab
Contract Value :
54.66 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Agriculture
48Providing storm water drainage, making connection with City Sewer, Special Repair of 2 Nos. Lav Block and construction of 1 No. Lav Block in NGM Moonak, Distt. Sangrur
Taran Taran - Punjab
Contract Value :
83.96 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Agriculture
50Renovation Providing of 16M HM with LED and in Cover Sheds Providing and Repair in Various Purcahse Centre in NGM and SL with LED Fittings Prov of YL SL in SY Khalra, Prov YL on APF at SY Khalra at MC Bhikhiwind Distt Tarntaran
Taran Taran - Punjab
Contract Value :
55.76 Lacs |Agency Name :
Department Of Agriculture