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39941 Repairing of Road from Saintara to Karak Beria (0.00 825.00m) at Joypur P.S. under P and RD fund.
TRN : 831441 |  Bankura - West Bengal
Contract Value : 49.35 Lacs | Agency Name : Zilla Parishad
Tender award for repairing of road from saintara to karak beria (0.00 825.00m) at joypur p.s. under p and rd fund.
39942 Construction of Concrete Jetty on Durlavpur Natunpara and Rajapur Ferryghat (Mahishmari), Vill.- Durlavpur Natunpara, P.O.- Nadia Sundarpur, PIN- 741122 in the District of Nadia (Sl. 08) (3rd Call)
39943 Installation of 2nd pump at Kalimati seam sump and its delivery range 6IN dia x 127m upto Sadbhav area at DBOCP
TRN : 631555 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 35.0 Thousand | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for installation of 2nd pump at kalimati seam sump and its delivery range 6in dia x 127m upto sadbhav area at dbocp
39944 Construction of Concrete Jetty on Fazilnagar Amtala Ghat Ferry service, Vill.+P.O.- Fazilnagar in the District of Nadia (Sl. 04) (3rd Call)
39945 Construction of Concrete Jetty on Garaimari Durlavpur Ferry service, Vill.- Durlavpur, P.O.- Nadia Sundalpur, PIN- 741122 in the District of Nadia (Sl. 06) (3rd Call)
39946 Construction of Concrete Jetty on Doghachi Ghat Ferry service, Vill.+P.O.- Paschim Dogachi in the District of Nadia (Sl. 03) (3rd Call)
39947 "Construction of bituminous road from Jagadishpur R.C.C. bridge to Hasanpur R.C.C. bridge alongwith 03 nos. RCC box culvert over R/B of main drainage channel SAMD Part -I for a length of 1.420 Km in P.S. Sonarpur, Block Sonarpur, District South 24 Parganas"
39948 "Construction of a single lane R.C.C. Bridge at Ch. 24.000 Km over Tolly's Nullah at Danrigachi and special repair to inspection path for a length of 3 Km with Brick Aggregates within Kamrabad G.P., P.S. - Sonarpur, Dist -South 24 Parganas."
39949 Making of GM rough casting for repairing of different pumps at Area Workshop, Begunia.
TRN : 631548 |  Burdwan - West Bengal
Contract Value : 1.39 Lacs | Agency Name : Bharat Coking Coal Limited
Tender award for making of gm rough casting for repairing of different pumps at area workshop, begunia.
39950 "Construction of semi permeable spurs in between ch. 64.80 Km to 65.30 Km and in between ch. Ch. 66.05 Km to ch. 66.45 Km projecting from right bank of river Sutarbug within a length of 900 mtr. in Mouza- Dakshin Roypur in Block & P.S. Patharpratima , District South 24 Parganas".

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