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39961 Providing R. C. C. Crash Barrier in place of existing R. C. Hand rail for Major and Minor Bridge of (a) Krishnagar - Karimpur - Jalangi Road (S.H.-11) from 66.00 Kmp to 92.00 Kmp, of (b) Mahisbathan – Murutia Road from 0.00 Kmp to 5.00 Kmp, of (c) Karimpur – Natidanga – Nazirpur Road from 0.00 Kmp to 21.00 Kmp, and of (d) Karimpur - Shikarpur Road from 0.00 Kmp to 12.00 Kmp under Nadia Division, P.W.D. during the year 2017 - 18 (3rd Call)
39962 Construction of 1(one) No. Double vented 90 cm. dia H.P. Sluice for improvement of drainage near H/O Naren Mahato at mouza- Atapur, Block: Sandeshkhali –II, P.S.- Sandeshkhali, Dist - North 24 Parganas under Basirhat Irrigation Division.
39963 Double storied Brick Masonry for marketing of the diversified products of Handloom weavers, within D.I.C. office campus in the District of Nadia, P.S.- Kotwali common facility centre under Nadia Division, P.W.D. during the year 2017 - 2018 (Sl. 01) (2nd Call)
39964 Construction of 4 stoied Administrative-cum-Academic Building of New polytechnic at Murarai in the district of Birbhum(Gr. Floor to 3rd Floor)…......Compound light arrangement
39965 Renovation of damaged protective work with 20 cm thick dry brick pitching for a length of 500.00 m. in between Ch.54.50 Km to Ch.55.00 Km along left bank of river Ichamati at Mouza- Itinda Panitor, Block- Basirhat-I, P.S – Basirhat, District - North 24 Parganas.
39966 Repair & renovation of Internal and External Electrical Installtion work including Glow sign board of entire fire station building of Suri Fire Station,Suri,Birbhum.
39967 Raising, Strengthening and Improvement of Sundarban embankment with 20 cm thick dry brick pitching for a length of 470 m in between Ch. 36.600 Km to Ch. 37.070 Km along the left bank of river Ichamati at Mouza-Bajitpur, Block & P.S - Baduria, District- North-24-Parganas.
39968 Electrical installation work for illumination at Baramullah at Suri,Birbhum
TRN : 564196 |  Birbhum - West Bengal
Contract Value : 9.67 Lacs | Agency Name : Public Works Department
Tender award for electrical installation work for illumination at baramullah at suri,birbhum
39969 Supply Of Electrical, Furniture, Flooring Items for 2nd Floor of Newly Constructed Meeting Hall of Raniganj Panchayat Samiti
TRN : 576675 |  Kolkata - West Bengal
Contract Value : 13.91 Lacs | Agency Name : Ministry Of Defence
Tender award for proc of ordnance stores

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