Latest and live tenders published in australia. Click on any tender to view further details.
this project consist of works at anglesea barracks in tasmania, which includes general internal and external refurbishment to several buildings. each of these buildings have heritage significance, ranging from moderate to exceptional. the general works include installation of toilet, patch and paint internal walls, carpet replacement to selected areas, hvac replacement, demolition and extension of the armoury section of the museum, internal works including the upgrade and refurbishment of surfaces finishes, kitchenette, ablution and floors. external heritage conservation works will be delivered to a number of buildings. these works will target damp remediation and sacrificial render replacement, exterior coating condition lime wash, pointing and rainwater goods.
the department of foreign affairs and trade is seeking tenders for the provision of protective security and alarm monitoring services at specified locations in papua new guinea.
building works to four buildings across both armidale general reserve depot and muswellbrook general reserve depot, a new master keying system including new keys to the whole of both the armidale general reserve depot base and muswellbrook general reserve depot base and replacement of a security perimeter fence at muswellbrook general reserve depot
the categories for the commonwealth environmental water services panel include; environmental water monitoring, evaluation and research; environmental water delivery; environmental water governance and portfolio management; economic analysis in the water sector; and environmental analytics and modelling.
works to address the repairs and refurbishment of several degraded roads around the majura training area. the project involves regrading dirt tracks that are subject to erosion during heavy rain periods. additionally, this project will address cracked and degraded bitumen road surfaces
provision of shipping services to willis island
commonwealth requires a safer, simpler and more assured defence fuel network dfn. the commonwealth is working toward this objective through the defence fuel transformation program dftp, in partnership with industry. the proposed fuel services contract fsc is part of the dftp.
the objective of this procurement is to engage a vendor under a deed of standing offer for the supply of off-the-shelf acs and locking system in accordance with the statement of requirements.
provision for the design and supply of transmit and receive antennas and masts. please refer to appendix 1: overview of requirements for more detail.
geoscience australia is in the final stages of a four-year initiative by the australian government called exploring for the future eftf. the aim is to boost investment in resource exploration in northern australia. a key component of this is improving the understanding of the petroleum prospectivity throughout the region by characterising the petroleum systems. a regional, 872 km long 2d seismic line 18ga-kb1 acquired in 2018 by geoscience australia ga and the geological survey of western australia gswa images the kidson sub-basin of the canning basin figure 1. the new data opens up this frontier part of the basin and enables better understanding of the geology, structure and petroleum prospectivity.