Latest and live tenders published in australia. Click on any tender to view further details.

441 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :17789838
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  17 Feb, 2020

building a009 - mid-life refurbishment including; painting remediation, flooring replacement, kitchenette refurbishment, partial roof replacement, air-conditioning system refurbishment, workstation arrangement. building a014 – re-painting of all internal and external services. replacement of cupboards and benchtops with medical grade, rounded edges and a single piece on the top continuing up the wall to ensure sterilisation of surfaces is possible. addition of gpos throughout the building. replacement of flooring throughout the building. building d19 - refurbishment of all internal surfaces including repainting, flooring replacement, change of windows, addition of insulation, provision of new ceilings in occupied areas, new lighting. building d36 - installation of steel frame landing stairs and handrails to meet bca requirements.

442 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :17789850
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  13 Mar, 2020

this project involves armoury works, internal building refurbishment and asbestos removal at australian air force cadets morwell and newborough training depot, including but not limited to floor replacement, painting, window covering, lighting upgrade, internal ceiling tiles, security alarm system, roof replacement and minor ablution reconfiguration.

443 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :17778677
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  19 Feb, 2020

underground work other than tunnels, shafts and subways

444 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :17746319
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  02 Mar, 2020

horticultural services

445 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :17602017
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  13 Feb, 2020

railway-track construction materials

446 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16991598
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Dec, 2019

project involves upgrades to the access road within the training base to allow for safer access as well as improvements to cater for the new hx77 tactical truck, which are proposed to be used at the site.

447 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16991614
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Dec, 2019

project involves various building works across the raaf base pearce, including new gym matting and crash barrier mats to the multipurpose training area; a new all-weather training area, communications room hvac upgrades, remediation of water ingress to the gymnasium and bomb storage buildings, refurbishment of the air traffic control centre and the installation safety barriers at aircraft arrestor system pit entrances.

448 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16991627
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Dec, 2019

scope consists of provision of cctv cameras across the base and causeway for base surveillance and provision of cctv cameras, long range audio device lrad and radar to cover seaward waters. the scope also includes upgrades to emergency radio network system, design and delivery of a radio repeater station, and supply and installation of a kiosk substation.

449 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16991641
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  15 Nov, 2019

refurbishment works to approximately ten buildings including roof access system and roofing repair works, painting works, wall and ceiling works, investigative works and replacement and upgrade works at raaf townsville. scope also includes mechanical, electrical and security works as well as conversion of disused armoury into a new office and classroom.

450 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16991648
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  29 Nov, 2019

requirement for this project is for a full building management systems bms upgrade at townsville raaf base.

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